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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 2A, B, 2E, L and R

BEARABLEbearable adj. Able to be borne; tolerable; endurable.
bearable adj. Able to be borne or carried; portable.
BEARABLE adj. able to be borne.
ERASABLEerasable adj. Capable of being erased.
erasable n. Any recording medium whose contents can be erased.
ERASABLE adj. able to be erased.
HEARABLEhearable adj. That can be heard; audible.
HEARABLE adj. able to be heard.
RACEABLEraceable adj. Able to be raced; suitable for racing.
RACEABLE adj. (of a racecourse) fit to be used for racing.
RATEABLErateable adj. Liable to incur the payment of rates.
RATEABLE adj. capable of being rated, also RATABLE.
READABLEreadable adj. (Of handwriting, print, etc) legible, possible to read or at least decipher.
readable adj. Which can be read—i.e. accessed or played—by a certain technical type of device.
readable adj. (Of a book) enjoyable to read, of an acceptable stylistic quality or at least functionally composed.
REAPABLEreapable adj. Capable of being reaped.
REAPABLE adj. able to be reaped.
TEARABLEtearable adj. Able to be torn.
TEARABLE adj. able to be torn.
WEARABLEwearable adj. Able to be worn.
wearable n. Something that can be worn; an item of clothing.
wearable n. (Computing) Ellipsis of wearable computer (“small computer which can be worn on the body”).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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