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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 12 fifteen-letter words containing A, E, G, N, O, P and Z

APOTHEGMATIZINGapothegmatizing v. Present participle of apothegmatize.
APOTHEGMATIZE v. to speak in apothegms, also APOTHEGMATISE.
CONCEPTUALIZINGconceptualizing v. Present participle of conceptualize.
CONCEPTUALIZE v. to form a concept of, also CONCEPTUALISE.
DEPERSONALIZINGdepersonalizing v. Present participle of depersonalize.
DEPERSONALIZE v. to deprive of the sense of personal identity, also DEPERSONALISE.
ENHYPOSTATIZINGenhypostatizing v. Present participle of enhypostatize.
ENHYPOSTATIZE v. to subject to enhypostasia, also ENHYPOSTATISE.
HYPERPOLARIZINGhyperpolarizing v. Present participle of hyperpolarize.
HYPERPOLARIZE v. to produce an increase in potential difference across a biological membrane, also HYPERPOLARISE.
IMPERSONALIZINGimpersonalizing v. Present participle of impersonalize.
IMPERSONALIZE v. to make impersonal, also IMPERSONALISE.
OVEREMPHASIZINGoveremphasizing v. Present participle of overemphasize.
OVEREMPHASIZE v. to emphasise to excess, also OVEREMPHASISE.
PATRONIZINGNESSSorry, definition not available.
PHENOMENALIZINGphenomenalizing v. Present participle of phenomenalize.
PHENOMENALIZE v. to represent as a phenomenon, also PHENOMENALISE.
PIEZOMAGNETISMSPIEZOMAGNETISM n. magnetism developed in a similar way to piezoelectricity, using a magnetic instead of an electric field.
PROVERBIALIZINGproverbializing v. Present participle of proverbialize.
PROVERBIALIZE v. to make proverbial, also PROVERBIALISE.
REHOSPITALIZINGrehospitalizing v. Present participle of rehospitalize.
REHOSPITALIZE v. to hospitalize again, also REHOSPITALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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