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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing A, E, F, I, 2O and P

CAPRIFOLIACEOUScaprifoliaceous adj. (Botany) Of, pertaining to, or resembling the Caprifoliaceae family of honeysuckles.
CAPRIFOLIACEOUS adj. of or pertaining to the honeysuckle plant.
NONPROFESSIONALnonprofessional adj. Not professional; amateur.
nonprofessional n. One who is not a professional; an amateur.
non-professional adj. Alternative form of nonprofessional.
NONPROFESSORIALnonprofessorial adj. Not professorial.
NONPROFESSORIAL adj. not professorial.
NONSAPONIFIABLEnonsaponifiable adj. Not saponifiable.
NONSAPONIFIABLE adj. not saponifiable, capable of being converted into soap.
PASSIFLORACEOUSpassifloraceous adj. Of or pertaining to the family Passifloraceae of mostly tropical flowering plants.
PASSIFLORACEOUS adj. belonging to the passionflower family.
PERSONIFICATIONpersonification n. A person, thing or name typifying a certain quality or idea; an embodiment or exemplification.
personification n. A literary device in which an inanimate object or an idea is given human qualities.
personification n. An artistic representation of an abstract quality as a human.
PHOTOREFRACTIVEphotorefractive adj. (Physics) of or relating to a change in refractive index in the presence of light.
PHOTOREFRACTIVE adj. designating or relating to surgical procedures in which a laser is used to reshape the cornea and correct refractive errors such as myopia or astigmatism; esp. in photorefractive keratectomy.
PREFORMATIONISMpreformationism n. (Biology) the theory that all organisms start their existence already in a predetermined form upon conception…
PREFORMATIONISM n. the now exploded theory that the plant or animal (and therefore all its descendants) is already preformed in the germ.
PREFORMATIONISTpreformationist n. (Biology, historical) A proponent of the theory of preformationism.
PREFORMATIONIST adj. relating to preformation.
PREMODIFICATIONpremodification n. (Grammar) modification by a premodifier.
PREMODIFICATION adj. preceding a modification.
PRENOTIFICATIONprenotification n. Notification in advance.
PRENOTIFICATION n. preceding a notification.
PREPROFESSIONALpreprofessional adj. Prior to starting a profession.
preprofessional n. One who is working towards becoming a professional.
PREPROFESSIONAL adj. of or relating to the period preceding specific study for or practice of a profession.
PROFESSIONALISEprofessionalise v. Alternative spelling of professionalize.
PROFESSIONALISE v. to give a professional character to, also PROFESSIONALIZE.
PROFESSIONALISMprofessionalism n. The status, methods, character or standards expected of a professional or of a professional organization…
professionalism n. The use of professionals rather than amateurs in any sport etc.
PROFESSIONALISM n. the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.
PROFESSIONALISTprofessionalist n. A person or organisation that supports a professional attitude.
professionalist n. A professional person.
PROFESSIONALIST adj. characterised by professionalism.
PROFESSIONALIZEprofessionalize v. To make something professional.
professionalize v. To advance an occupation to the level of a profession.
PROFESSIONALIZE v. to give a professional character to, also PROFESSIONALISE.
SUBPROFESSIONALsubprofessional adj. Not meeting the quality standards expected of a professional.
subprofessional n. A person working at less than professional level.
SUBPROFESSIONAL adj. functioning or qualified to function below the professional level but distinctly above the clerical or labor level and usually under the supervision of a professionally trained person.
SUPERFOETATIONSsuperfoetations n. Plural of superfoetation.
SUPERFOETATION n. a second conception when there is already a fetus in the womb, also SUPERFETATION.
UNPROFESSIONALSunprofessionals n. Plural of unprofessional.
UNPROFESSIONAL n. one who is not professional.
WEATHERPROOFINGweatherproofing n. (UK) The practice of protecting a building and its interior from the elements/weather and wind or Something…
weatherproofing v. Present participle of weatherproof.
WEATHERPROOF v. to make able to withstand exposure to weather without damage or loss of function.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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