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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing A, D, G, M, O, S and T

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSacknowledgments n. Plural of acknowledgment.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT n. the act of acknowledging, also ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
COADMINISTERINGcoadministering v. Present participle of coadminister.
DELEGITIMATIONSdelegitimations n. Plural of delegitimation.
DELEGITIMATION n. the act of delegitimizing.
DEMAGNETISATIONdemagnetisation n. (British spelling) Alternative form of demagnetization.
DEMAGNETISATION n. the act of demagnetising, also DEMAGNETIZATION.
DEPIGMENTATIONSdepigmentations n. Plural of depigmentation.
DEPIGMENTATION n. loss of normal pigmentation.
DERMATOGLYPHICSdermatoglyphics n. The patterns of loops, arches and whorls on the skin of the fingers and feet.
dermatoglyphics n. The study of such patterns.
DERMATOGLYPHIC n. a ridge pattern of skin on the inner surface of the hands and feet.
DERMATOGRAPHIASDERMATOGRAPHIA n. a type of urticaria in which the physical allergy causes stroking or scratching, etc. to raise a red weal on the skin.
DERMATOGRAPHIESDERMATOGRAPHY n. anatomical description of the skin, also DERMOGRAPHY.
DISAMBIGUATIONSdisambiguations n. Plural of disambiguation.
DISAMBIGUATION n. the establishment of a single semantic or grammatical interpretation.
DISCOURAGEMENTSdiscouragements n. Plural of discouragement.
DISCOURAGEMENT n. the act of discouraging.
DOCUMENTARISINGdocumentarising v. Present participle of documentarise.
DOCUMENTARISE v. to make into a documentary, also DOCUMENTARIZE.
LARYNGECTOMISEDLARYNGECTOMISED adj. having undergone a laryngectomy, also LARYNGECTOMIZED.
MELODRAMATISINGmelodramatising v. Present participle of melodramatise.
MELODRAMATISE v. to make melodramatic, also MELODRAMATIZE.
OVERDRAMATISINGoverdramatising v. Present participle of overdramatise.
OVERDRAMATISE v. to dramatise to excess, also OVERDRAMATIZE.
PYRAMIDOLOGISTSpyramidologists n. Plural of pyramidologist.
PYRAMIDOLOGIST n. a specialist in pyramidology.
UNDOMESTICATINGundomesticating v. Present participle of undomesticate.
UNDOMESTICATE v. to make not domesticated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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