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There are 19 fifteen-letter words containing A, D, E, G, R and 2T

AUTODESTRUCTINGautodestructing v. Present participle of autodestruct.
AUTODESTRUCT v. to self-destruct.
DAGUERREOTYPISTdaguerreotypist n. A person who makes daguerreotypes.
DAGUERREOTYPIST n. one who practises daguerreotyping, also DAGUERREOTYPER.
DECONCENTRATINGdeconcentrating v. Present participle of deconcentrate.
DECONCENTRATE v. to reduce or abolish the concentration of.
DEFRAGMENTATIONdefragmentation n. (Computing) The action of defragmenting, particularly with respect to a computer disk or drive.
DEGENERATIONISTdegenerationist n. (Biology, historical) One who believes in the theory of degenerationism.
DEGENERATIONIST n. someone who believes that the tendency of man is not to improve, but to degenerate.
DEREGISTRATIONSderegistrations n. Plural of deregistration.
DEREGISTRATION n. the act of deregistering.
DIFFERENTIATINGdifferentiating v. Present participle of differentiate.
DIFFERENTIATE v. to obtain the mathematical derivative of.
DISINTEGRATIONSdisintegrations n. Plural of disintegration.
DISINTEGRATION n. the act of disintegrating.
INTERDIGITATINGinterdigitating v. Present participle of interdigitate.
INTERDIGITATE v. to become interlocked like the fingers of folded hands.
INTERDIGITATIONinterdigitation n. An interlinking that resembles the fingers of two hands being locked together.
INTERDIGITATION n. the act of interdigitating, interlocking the fingers.
INTERGRADATIONSintergradations n. Plural of intergradation.
INTERGRADATION n. the condition of an individual or population that intergrades.
MULTITHREADINGSMULTITHREADING n. a programming system that enables actions to be carried out simultaneously.
PRESTIDIGITATORprestidigitator n. One who performs feats of prestidigitation; a sleight-of-hand artist.
REDINTEGRATIONSredintegrations n. Plural of redintegration.
REDINTEGRATION n. revival of the whole of a previous mental state when a phase of it recurs.
RETROGRADATIONSretrogradations n. Plural of retrogradation.
RETROGRADATION n. the act of retrograding.
THERMOREGULATEDthermoregulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of thermoregulate.
THERMOREGULATE v. to regulate by means of heat.
UNDERESTIMATINGunderestimating v. Present participle of underestimate.
UNDERESTIMATE v. to estimate as being less than the actual size, quantity, or number.
UNDERGRADUETTESundergraduettes n. Plural of undergraduette.
UNDERGRADUETTE n. a female undergraduate.
UNTRANSMIGRATEDuntransmigrated adj. Not transmigrated.
UNTRANSMIGRATED adj. not transmigrated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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