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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing A, C, F, L, O and 2S

CLASSIFICATIONSclassifications n. Plural of classification.
CLASSIFICATION n. the act of classifying.
COLORFASTNESSEScolorfastnesses n. Plural of colorfastness.
COLORFASTNESS n. COLORFAST, having colours that retain their original hue without running or fading, also COLOURFAST.
COMFORTABLENESScomfortableness n. Comfort: the quality or state of being comfortable.
COMFORTABLENESS n. the state of being comfortable.
CONFESSIONALISMconfessionalism n. (Religion) A belief in the importance of full and unambiguous assent to the whole of a religious teaching.
confessionalism n. (Poetry) A style of American poetry that draws on the personal history of the poet.
confessionalism n. A system of government that proportionally distributes political and institutional power among religious…
CONFESSIONALISTconfessionalist n. A person who confesses.
confessionalist n. A priest who hears confession.
confessionalist n. An advocate of confessionalism.
CONFORMABLENESSconformableness n. The state or quality of being conformable.
CONFORMABLE n. compliant.
CONFUSABILITIESCONFUSABILITY n. the quality of being confusable.
EMULSIFICATIONSemulsifications n. Plural of emulsification.
EMULSIFICATION n. the act of emulsifying.
FORENSICALITIESforensicalities n. Plural of forensicality.
FORENSICALITY n. the state of being forensic.
LACTIFEROUSNESSlactiferousness n. The quality of being lactiferous.
LACTIFEROUSNESS n. the state of being lactiferous.
OVERCLASSIFYINGoverclassifying v. Present participle of overclassify.
OVERCLASSIFY v. to classify to excess.
PASSIFLORACEOUSpassifloraceous adj. Of or pertaining to the family Passifloraceae of mostly tropical flowering plants.
PASSIFLORACEOUS adj. belonging to the passionflower family.
REPROACHFULNESSreproachfulness n. The state or quality of being reproachful.
REPROACHFUL n. reproving.
SILICIFICATIONSsilicifications n. Plural of silicification.
SILICIFICATION n. a process whereby silica replaces the original material of a substance, e.g. wood.
SIMPLIFICATIONSsimplifications n. Plural of simplification.
SIMPLIFICATION n. the act of simplifying.
SOLIDIFICATIONSsolidifications n. Plural of solidification.
SOLIDIFICATION n. the act of solidifying.
STULTIFICATIONSstultifications n. Plural of stultification.
STULTIFICATION n. the act of stultifying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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