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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 13 fifteen-letter words containing A, 2C, M, N, S and Y

ACTINOCHEMISTRYactinochemistry n. The science of chemistry and actinism.
ACTINOCHEMISTRY n. another name for photochemistry.
CIRCUMGYRATIONScircumgyrations n. Plural of circumgyration.
CIRCUMGYRATION n. a whirling around.
COLLENCHYMATOUScollenchymatous adj. Relating to collenchyma.
COLLENCHYMATOUS adj. relating to collenchyma.
COMMUNISTICALLYcommunistically adv. In a communistic manner.
COMMUNISTIC adv. inclined to communism.
CYANOCOBALAMINScyanocobalamins n. Plural of cyanocobalamin.
CYANOCOBALAMIN n. vitamin B12, which has a large and complicated molecule, in one form including a cyanide group, in all forms including a cobalt atom, also CYANOCOBALAMINE.
DACTYLIOMANCIESDACTYLIOMANCY n. divination by means of a finger.
ELECTRODYNAMICSelectrodynamics n. (Physics) The phenomena associated with moving electric charges, and their interaction with electric…
ELECTRODYNAMICS n. a branch of physics that deals with the effects arising from the interactions of electric currents with magnets, with other currents, or with themselves.
ENCOMIASTICALLYencomiastically adv. In an encomiastic manner.
ENCOMIASTICAL adv. bestowing praise, also ENCOMIASTIC.
ENCYCLOPAEDISMSENCYCLOPAEDISM n. the compiling of encyclopaedias, also ENCYCLOPEDISM.
MECHANISTICALLYmechanistically adv. In a mechanistic, impersonal or automatic manner.
mechanistically adv. (Not comparable) In terms of a mechanism.
MECHANISTIC adv. relating to mechanism.
PSYCHOMETRICIANpsychometrician n. (Psychology) A person who administers psychometric tests.
PSYCHOMETRICIAN n. a person (as a clinical psychologist) who is skilled in the administration and interpretation of objective psychological tests.
SARCENCHYMATOUSsarcenchymatous adj. Relating to sarcenchyme.
SARCENCHYMATOUS adj. of or like a sarcenchyme, a soft tissue of sponges with close-packed cells and reduced gelatinous matrix.
SEMICYLINDRICALsemicylindrical adj. Having the shape of a semicylinder.
semicylindrical adj. (Botany) Of a leaf: elongated, flat on one side and round on the other.
SEMICYLINDRICAL adj. having the shape of a longitudinal half of a cylinder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 70 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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