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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 15 fifteen-letter words containing A, 2C, E, F, N and S

CIRCUMFORANEOUScircumforaneous adj. Wandering from place to place or market to market.
circumforaneous adj. (By extension) Indirect, roundabout, or unnecessarily complex.
CIRCUMFORANEOUS adj. wandering about as from market to market, vagrant, also CIRCUMFORANEAN.
CONFECTIONARIESconfectionaries n. Plural of confectionary.
CONFECTIONARY n. a place where sweets are made.
COSIGNIFICATIVEcosignificative adj. (Rare) Having the same meaning.
COSIGNIFICATIVE adj. having the same signification.
COUNTERFACTUALScounterfactuals n. Plural of counterfactual.
COUNTERFACTUAL n. something contrary to fact.
COUNTERFEISANCEcounterfeisance n. (Obsolete) Deception, dissimulation.
COUNTERFEISANCE n. an act of counterfeiting; forgery, also COUNTERFESAUNCE.
COUNTERFESAUNCECOUNTERFESAUNCE n. (archaic) an act of counterfeiting; forgery, also COUNTERFEISANCE.
DEFLOCCULATIONSdeflocculations n. Plural of deflocculation.
DEFLOCCULATION n. the process of deflocculating.
EFFICACIOUSNESSefficaciousness n. Quality of being efficacious.
EFFICACIOUS n. having the power to produce a desired effect.
INEFFICACIOUSLYinefficaciously adv. Without efficacy or effect.
INEFFICACIOUS adv. lacking the power to produce a desired effect.
INSIGNIFICANCESinsignificances n. Plural of insignificance.
INSIGNIFICANCE n. the state of being insignificant, also INSIGNIFICANCY.
INTERFASCICULARinterfascicular adj. (Anatomy) Between fascicles or bundles.
INTERFASCICULAR adj. situated between fascicles.
NONCONFORMANCESnonconformances n. Plural of nonconformance.
NONCONFORMANCE n. failure to conform.
NONSPECIFICALLYnonspecifically adv. In a nonspecific manner.
NONSPECIFIC adv. of a disease, not caused by any specific, identifiable agent.
RECODIFICATIONSrecodifications n. Plural of recodification.
RECODIFICATION n. the act of recodifying.
SPEECHIFICATIONspeechification n. (Derogatory or humorous) The act of speechifying.
SPEECHIFICATION n. the making of speeches.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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