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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 15 fifteen-letter words containing A, 2C, 2E, G and T

ACCEPTINGNESSESACCEPTINGNESS n. the state of being accepting.
ARCHGENETHLIACSARCHGENETHLIAC n. (Browning) in derogatory sense, the greatest of genethliacs or astrologers.
CATEGORICALNESScategoricalness n. The quality of being categorical, positive, or absolute.
CATEGORICALNESS n. the state of being categorical.
CYTOGENETICALLYcytogenetically adv. (Medicine, biology) By means or in terms of cytogenetics, the genetics of the cell.
CYTOGENETICAL adv. relating to cytogenetics, also CYTOGENETIC.
DECONCENTRATINGdeconcentrating v. Present participle of deconcentrate.
DECONCENTRATE v. to reduce or abolish the concentration of.
ELECTROMAGNETICelectromagnetic adj. Relating to electromagnetism.
ELECTROMAGNETIC adj. of, relating to, or produced by electromagnetism.
ELECTROSURGICALelectrosurgical adj. (Surgery) relating to electrosurgery.
ELECTROSURGICAL adj. relating to electrosurgery.
GEOTECTONICALLYgeotectonically adv. In terms of geotectonics.
GEOTECTONIC adv. relating to the structure of rock masses of the earth's crust resulting from folding or faulting.
MAGNETOCHEMICALmagnetochemical adj. Of or pertaining to magnetochemistry.
MAGNETOCHEMICAL adj. relating to the branch of chemistry concerned with the relationship between magnetic and chemical properties.
MAGNETOELECTRICmagnetoelectric adj. (Physics) Of or pertaining to magnetoelectricity.
MAGNETOELECTRIC adj. relating to or characterized by electromotive forces developed by magnetic means.
MICROGAMETOCYTEmicrogametocyte n. A gametocyte that produces microgametes.
MICROGAMETOCYTE n. a gametocyte producing microgametes.
PSYCHOGENETICALPSYCHOGENETICAL adj. relating to psychogenesis, the origin and development of the mind, also PSYCHOGENETIC.
RECONCENTRATINGreconcentrating v. Present participle of reconcentrate.
RECONCENTRATE v. to concentrate again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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