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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing 2A, E, G, 2H and T

ANTHROPOPHAGIESanthropophagies n. Plural of anthropophagy.
ANTHROPOPHAGY n. cannibalism.
ANTHROPOPHAGITEanthropophagite n. A cannibal.
ANTHROPOPHAGITE n. an anthropophagus, a cannibal.
APOPHTHEGMATISEapophthegmatise v. Alternative form of apothegmatize.
APOPHTHEGMATISE v. to speak in apophthegms, also APOPHTHEGMATIZE.
APOPHTHEGMATISTapophthegmatist n. Alternative form of apothegmatist.
APOPHTHEGMATIST n. one who speaks in apophthegms, also APOTHEGMATIST.
APOPHTHEGMATIZEapophthegmatize v. Alternative form of apothegmatize.
APOPHTHEGMATIZE v. to speak in apophthegms, also APOPHTHEGMATISE.
ARCHGENETHLIACSARCHGENETHLIAC n. (Browning) in derogatory sense, the greatest of genethliacs or astrologers.
CATHODOGRAPHERSCATHODOGRAPHER n. one who takes photographs created using X-rays.
CATHODOGRAPHIESCATHODOGRAPHY n. the taking of photographs created using X-rays.
CHROMATOGRAPHEDchromatographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of chromatograph.
CHROMATOGRAPH v. to do by chromatograph.
CHROMATOGRAPHERchromatographer n. A person skilled in chromatography or who operates a chromatograph.
CHROMATOGRAPHER n. one who uses a chromatograph.
EARTHSHATTERINGearthshattering adj. Earthshaking.
earth-shattering adj. Alternative spelling of earthshattering.
EARTHSHATTERING adj. of great importance or consequence.
HETEROGRAPHICALHETEROGRAPHICAL adj. relating to heterography, incorrect spelling, also HETEROGRAPHIC.
OPHTHALMOPLEGIAophthalmoplegia n. (Medicine) A complete paralysis of the extraocular muscles which are responsible for eye movements.
OPHTHALMOPLEGIA n. paralysis of the ocular muscles.
ORGANOPHOSPHATEorganophosphate n. (Chemistry) Any ester of phosphoric acid or its derivatives, especially one used as an insecticide or herbicide.
ORGANOPHOSPHATE n. an organophosphorus compound (as a pesticide).
RECHROMATOGRAPHrechromatograph v. To chromatograph again.
RECHROMATOGRAPH v. to do by chromatograph again.
THALASSOGRAPHERthalassographer n. One who studies thalassography.
THALASSOGRAPHER n. one who studies thalassography, the science of the sea.
THANATOGRAPHIESthanatographies n. Plural of thanatography.
THANATOGRAPHY n. the narrative of a death.
THERMOBAROGRAPHthermobarograph n. An instrument for recording simultaneously the pressure and temperature of a gas; a combined thermograph…
THERMOBAROGRAPH n. a device that simultaneously records the temperature and pressure of the atmosphere.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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