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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 14 fifteen-letter words containing 2A, D, 2E, H and O

AEROHYDROPLANESAEROHYDROPLANE n. a winged hydroplane or flying-boat.
CEPHALOCHORDATEcephalochordate n. Any of the primitive fishlike creatures, of the subphylum Cephalochordata, including the lancelets…
cephalochordate adj. Of or pertaining to these creatures.
CEPHALOCHORDATE n. any of a number of chordate fishlike animals (including the lancelets and amphioxus), having a persisting notochord projecting beyond the nerve cord to the end of the snout.
CINEMATOGRAPHEDcinematographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of cinematograph.
CINEMATOGRAPH v. to record by movie projector.
DERMATOGRAPHIESDERMATOGRAPHY n. anatomical description of the skin, also DERMOGRAPHY.
HAMAMELIDACEOUShamamelidaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Hamamelidaceae.
HAMAMELIDACEOUS adj. belonging to the witch-hazel family.
HEXOSAMINIDASEShexosaminidases n. Plural of hexosaminidase.
HEXOSAMINIDASE n. either of two hydrolytic enzymes that catalyze the splitting off of a hexose from a ganglioside and are deficient in some metabolic diseases.
ICOSITETRAHEDRAicositetrahedra n. Plural of icositetrahedron.
ICOSITETRAHEDRA n. solid figures with twenty-four plane faces (plural of 16-letter word).
PHOTODEGRADABLEphotodegradable adj. Capable of being chemically broken down as the result of a photochemical reaction.
PHOTODEGRADABLE adj. chemically degradable by the action of light.
RADIOTELEGRAPHSradiotelegraphs n. Plural of radiotelegraph.
RADIOTELEGRAPH n. wireless telegraphy.
RADIOTELEGRAPHYradiotelegraphy n. The process and techniques of sending telegrams using radio waves rather than wires.
radio␣telegraphy n. The transmission of Morse code (etc) using radio.
RADIOTELEGRAPHY n. signalling by radiotelegraph, wireless telegraphy.
STADTHOLDERATESstadtholderates n. Plural of stadtholderate.
TETARTOHEDRALLYTETARTOHEDRAL adv. having one fourth the number of planes required by complete symmetry.
WEATHERBOARDINGweatherboarding n. (Architecture) A type of wooden siding in which a house is sided with long, thin, overlapping boards.
WEATHERBOARD v. to fit such a board.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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