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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 19 fifteen-letter words containing 2A, C, 2E, O and Y

ABIOGENETICALLYabiogenetically adv. (Biology) In an abiogenetic manner; to have created life without life.
ABIOGENETIC adv. relating to abiogenesis, the origination of life by nonliving matter, also ABIOGENIC.
ACKNOWLEDGEABLYacknowledgeably adj. Such that it can be acknowledged.
ACKNOWLEDGEABLE adv. capable of being acknowledged.
ARCHAEOPTERYXESarchaeopteryxes n. Plural of archaeopteryx.
ARCHAEOPTERYX n. a Jurassic fossil bird of the Archaeopteryx genus, with a long bony tail, sharp-toothed jaws, and wings bearing three clawed digits.
CORYNEBACTERIALcorynebacterial adj. Of or relating to the corynebacteria.
CORYNEBACTERIAL adj. relating to corynebacterium, a bacterium that causes e.g. diphtheria.
CYANOACETYLENEScyanoacetylenes n. Plural of cyanoacetylene.
CYANOACETYLENE n. a large and complex organic molecule found in interstellar clouds.
DODECASYLLABLESdodecasyllables n. Plural of dodecasyllable.
DODECASYLLABLE n. a line of twelve syllables.
ELECTROANALYSESelectroanalyses n. Plural of electroanalysis.
ELECTROANALYSIS n. electrochemical analysis.
ELECTROANALYSISelectroanalysis n. (Physics, chemistry) Any of several electrochemical forms of analysis.
ELECTROANALYSIS n. electrochemical analysis.
ELECTROANALYTICelectroanalytic adj. Of, pertaining to, or obtained using electroanalysis.
ELECTROANALYTIC adj. related to electroanalysis, electrochemical analysis.
ENCEPHALOGRAPHYencephalography n. (Medicine) An X-ray examination of the brain in which air replaces some of the cerebrospinal fluid to…
ENCEPHALOGRAPHY n. radiography of the brain after the cerebrospinal fluid has been replaced by a gas (as air).
ENCYCLOPAEDICALencyclopaedical adj. Of or pertaining to encyclopaediae.
encyclopædical adj. Archaic spelling of encyclopaedical.
ENCYCLOPAEDICAL adj. of or relating to an encyclopedia; comprehensive; full of information, also ENCYCLOPEDIC, ENCYCLOPEDICAL.
GAMOGENETICALLYgamogenetically adv. By gamogenesis.
GAMOGENETICAL adv. relating to gamogenesis, sexual reproduction, also GAMOGENETIC.
GEOMAGNETICALLYgeomagnetically adv. In a geomagnetic way; through geomagnetism.
GEOMAGNETIC adv. of or relating to terrestrial magnetism.
HAEMACYTOMETERShaemacytometers n. Plural of haemacytometer.
HAEMACYTOMETER n. an apparatus for counting the number of cells in a quantity of blood, typically consisting of a graduated pipette for drawing and diluting, also HEMACYTOMETER.
HYPERCOAGULABLEhypercoagulable adj. (Of blood) Having an increased tendency to clot.
HYPERCOAGULABLE adj. excessively coagulable.
LEUCOCYTHAEMIASleucocythaemias n. Plural of leucocythaemia.
LEUCOCYTHAEMIA n. leukaemia.
SACCHAROMYCETESsaccharomycetes n. Plural of saccharomycete.
Saccharomycetes prop.n. A taxonomic class within the subphylum Saccharomycotina – budding yeast or true yeasts.
SACCHAROMYCES n. any of a genus of usually unicellular yeasts.
STEREOTAXICALLYstereotaxically adv. In a stereotaxic manner.
stereotaxically adv. With regard to stereotaxis.
STEREOTAXIC adv. relating to stereotaxis, the reaction of an organism to contact with a solid body.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 212 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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