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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing 2A, C, D, G and 2I

ANTIODONTALGICSantiodontalgics n. Plural of antiodontalgic.
ANTIODONTALGIC n. a drug used to alleviate toothache.
CIRCUMNAVIGATEDcircumnavigated v. Simple past tense and past participle of circumnavigate.
CIRCUMNAVIGATE v. to go completely around, as the earth, esp. by water.
DECONTAMINATINGdecontaminating v. Present participle of decontaminate.
DECONTAMINATE v. to rid of contamination.
DIALECTOLOGICALdialectological adj. Of or relating to dialectology.
DIALECTOLOGICAL adj. relating to dialectology.
DIAMAGNETICALLYdiamagnetically adv. In a diamagnetic way.
DIAMAGNETIC adv. applied to any substance of which a rod suspended between the poles of a magnet arranges itself across the lines of force, as opposed to paramagnetic.
DISARTICULATINGdisarticulating v. Present participle of disarticulate.
DISARTICULATE v. to separate at a joint or articulation.
DISCAPACITATINGdiscapacitating v. Present participle of discapacitate.
DISCAPACITATE v. to incapacitate.
IDEOGRAPHICALLYideographically adv. In an ideographic way.
IDEOGRAPHICAL adv. in the form of an ideograph, a symbol in picture-writing representing the idea of a thing, also IDEOGRAPHIC.
MICRORADIOGRAPHmicroradiograph n. An enlarged microradiogram, used to study microscopic detail.
microradiograph v. To produce such an image.
MICRORADIOGRAPH n. an X-ray produced by microradiography.
OLIGOSACCHARIDEoligosaccharide n. (Biochemistry) A polysaccharide of low molecular weight, being a polymer of between three and eight…
OLIGOSACCHARIDE n. a saccharide (as a disaccharide) that contains a known small number of monosaccharide units.
QUADRUPLICATINGquadruplicating v. Present participle of quadruplicate.
QUADRUPLICATE v. to make quadruple or fourfold.
RADIOACTIVATINGradioactivating v. Present participle of radioactivate.
radioactivating n. The act of making something radioactive; radioactivation.
radioactivating adj. That makes something radioactive.
RADIOBIOLOGICALradiobiological adj. Of or pertaining to radiobiology.
RADIOBIOLOGICAL adj. relating to radiobiology, also RADIOBIOLOGIC.
SACERDOTALISINGsacerdotalising v. Present participle of sacerdotalise.
SACERDOTALISE v. to render sacerdotal, also SACERDOTALIZE.
SACERDOTALIZINGsacerdotalizing v. Present participle of sacerdotalize.
SACERDOTALIZE v. to render sacerdotal, also SACERDOTALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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