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There are 19 fifteen-letter words containing 2A, 2C, D, O and S

ACHONDROPLASTICachondroplastic adj. (Teratology) Of, related to, or suffering from achondroplasia.
ACHONDROPLASTIC adj. suffering from achondroplasia.
ADENOCARCINOMASadenocarcinomas n. Plural of adenocarcinoma.
ADENOCARCINOMA n. a malignant tumor originating in glandular epithelium.
ARCHIDIACONATESarchidiaconates n. Plural of archidiaconate.
ARCHIDIACONATE n. the office of archdeacon.
ASCLEPIADACEOUSasclepiadaceous adj. (Botany) Relating to the milkweeds.
ASCLEPIADACEOUS adj. belonging to the Asclepiadaceae, the milkweed and swallowwort family.
AUTODIDACTICISMautodidacticism n. Self-education; self-directed learning.
AUTODIDACTICISM n. the state of being autodidactic.
AUTOSCHEDIASTICautoschediastic adj. (Dated) impromptu, improvised, ex tempore or offhand.
AUTOSCHEDIASTIC adj. impromptu; on the spur of the moment.
BRACHYDACTYLOUSbrachydactylous adj. (Zoology) Having abnormally short digits.
BRACHYDACTYLOUS adj. having short or stubby fingers.
CONTRAINDICANTScontraindicants n. Plural of contraindicant.
CONTRAINDICANT n. something that contraindicates.
CONTRAINDICATEScontraindicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of contraindicate.
CONTRAINDICATE v. to indicate against (an otherwise suitable medical treatment) due to a condition or circumstance.
DACTYLIOMANCIESDACTYLIOMANCY n. divination by means of a finger.
DISACCOMMODATEDdisaccommodated v. Simple past tense and past participle of disaccommodate.
DISACCOMMODATE v. to put to inconvenience.
DISACCOMMODATESdisaccommodates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disaccommodate.
DISACCOMMODATE v. to put to inconvenience.
ECHOCARDIOGRAMSechocardiograms n. Plural of echocardiogram.
ECHOCARDIOGRAM n. a visual record made by echocardiography.
IDIOSYNCRATICALidiosyncratical adj. Alternative form of idiosyncratic.
IDIOSYNCRATICAL adj. showing idiosyncrasy, also IDIOSYNCRATIC.
MONOSACCHARIDESmonosaccharides n. Plural of monosaccharide.
MONOSACCHARIDE n. a simple sugar e.g. glucose or fructose.
OLIGOSACCHARIDEoligosaccharide n. (Biochemistry) A polysaccharide of low molecular weight, being a polymer of between three and eight…
OLIGOSACCHARIDE n. a saccharide (as a disaccharide) that contains a known small number of monosaccharide units.
POLYSACCHARIDESpolysaccharides n. Plural of polysaccharide.
POLYSACCHARIDE n. a glycan, a carbohydrate whose molecules consist of a number of monosaccharide residues bonded together.
RADIOSCOPICALLYradioscopically adv. By means of radioscopy.
RADIOSCOPIC adv. related to radioscopy, the examination of opaque bodies by X-rays.
SADOMASOCHISTICsadomasochistic adj. Of or relating to sadomasochism or sadomasochists.
SADOMASOCHISTIC adj. relating to sadomasochism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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