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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 10 fifteen-letter words containing 3A, E, R, T and Z

ARTERIALIZATIONarterialization n. (Physiology) The conversion of venous blood into arterial blood (by absorption of oxygen in the lungs).
ARTERIALIZATION n. the process of arterializing, also ARTERIALISATION.
CALENDARIZATIONcalendarization n. The act or process of calendarizing.
CALENDARIZATION n. the process of calendarizing, also CALENDARISATION.
CARAMELIZATIONScaramelizations n. Plural of caramelization.
CARAMELIZATION n. the process of caramelizing, also CARAMELISATION.
CHARACTERIZABLEcharacterizable adj. Able to be characterized.
CHARACTERIZABLE adj. able to be characterized, also CHARACTERISABLE.
DESACRALIZATIONdesacralization n. (Religion) The reverse of sacralization, and occurs when a formerly dedicated religious structure such…
DESACRALIZATION n. the act of desacralizing, also DESACRALISATION.
LATERALIZATIONSlateralizations n. Plural of lateralization.
LATERALIZATION n. the process of lateralising, also LATERALISATION.
MATERIALIZATIONmaterialization n. The conversion of something into a physical form.
materialization n. (Physics) The conversion of energy into mass.
materialization n. (Databases) The creation of a temporary table containing the results of a database query.
PARAMETRIZATIONparametrization n. The act or result of parametrizing.
PARAMETRIZATION n. the act of parameterizing, also PARAMETRISATION.
RECANALIZATIONSrecanalizations n. Plural of recanalization.
RECANALIZATION n. the process of restoring flow to or reuniting an interrupted channel of a bodily tube (as a blood vessel or vas deferens), also RECANALISATION.
TOTALITARIANIZEtotalitarianize v. (Transitive) To make totalitarian.
TOTALITARIANIZE v. to make totalitarian, also TOTALITARIANISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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