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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 20 fifteen-letter words containing 3A, C, L, T and U

ACCULTURATIONALacculturational adj. Of or pertaining to acculturation.
ACCULTURATIONAL adj. relating to acculturation, also ACCULTURATIVE.
ANACOLUTHICALLYanacoluthically adv. In an anacoluthic manner.
ANACOLUTHIC adv. relating to anacoluthia.
ANTIEDUCATIONALantieducational adj. Opposing education.
ANTIEDUCATIONAL adj. opposed to education.
ASTRONAUTICALLYastronautically adv. In an astronautic way.
ASTRONAUTICAL adv. relating to astronautics, also ASTRONAUTIC.
AUTOGRAPHICALLYautographically adv. By means of autography.
AUTOGRAPHICAL adv. of, relating to, or constituting an autograph, also AUTOGRAPHIC.
DECASUALISATIONDECASUALISATION n. the process of making employment not casual, also DECASUALIZATION.
DECASUALIZATIONdecasualization n. The process of decasualizing.
DECASUALIZATION n. the process of eliminating the employment of casual workers in order to stabilize the workforce, also DECASUALISATION.
DRAMATURGICALLYdramaturgically adv. In terms of dramaturgy.
DRAMATURGICAL adv. related to dramaturgy, also DRAMATURGIC.
HALLUCINATIONALhallucinational adj. Relating to hallucination.
HALLUCINATIONAL adj. of the nature of a hallucination.
INTERAMBULACRALinterambulacral adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the interambulacra.
INTERAMBULACRAL adj. of or like an interambulacrum.
INTRAFASCICULARintrafascicular adj. (Anatomy) Within the fascicle.
INTRAFASCICULAR adj. between fascicles.
INTRAVASCULARLYintravascularly adv. Within a blood vessel.
INTRAVASCULAR adv. situated in, occurring in, or administered by entry into a blood vessel.
NEUROANATOMICALneuroanatomical adj. Of or pertaining to neuroanatomy.
NEUROANATOMICAL adj. relating to neuroanatomy, also NEUROANATOMIC.
PHARMACEUTICALSpharmaceuticals n. Plural of pharmaceutical.
PHARMACEUTICAL n. a medicinal drug, also PHARMACEUTIC.
PLANTAGINACEOUSplantaginaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Plantaginaceae of plantains and close relatives.
PLANTAGINACEOUS adj. belonging to the plantain family.
TRAUMATOLOGICALtraumatological adj. Of or pertaining to traumatology.
TRAUMATOLOGICAL adj. relating to traumatology, the study of wounds and their effects.
UNASCERTAINABLEunascertainable adj. That cannot be ascertained; uncertain, unable to be determined or discovered.
UNASCERTAINABLE adj. not ascertainable.
UNGRAMMATICALLYungrammatically adv. In an ungrammatical manner.
UNGRAMMATICAL adv. not following rules of grammar, also UNGRAMMATIC.
VASCULARISATIONvascularisation n. Alternative spelling of vascularization.
VASCULARISATION n. the process of becoming vascular, also VASCULARIZATION.
VASCULARIZATIONvascularization n. The process of being vascularized.
vascularization n. (Medicine) the formation of blood vessels and capillaries in living tissue.
vascularization n. (Botany) the formation of leaf veins.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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