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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing A, 2L, M, P and 2S

CAPELLMEISTERScapellmeisters n. Plural of capellmeister.
CAPELLMEISTER n. (German) the director of a choir or orchestra, also KAPELLMEISTER.
CERULOPLASMINSceruloplasmins n. Plural of ceruloplasmin.
CERULOPLASMIN n. a blue copper-binding serum oxidase that is deficient in Wilson's disease.
COMPLIABLENESSCOMPLIABLE n. capable of bending or yielding; compliant.
IMPLACABLENESSimplacableness n. The quality of being implacable.
IMPLACABLENESS n. the state of being implacable.
IMPRESSIONALLYIMPRESSIONAL adv. of or like an impression.
KAPELLMEISTERSkapellmeisters n. Plural of kapellmeister.
KAPELLMEISTER n. (German) the director of a choir or orchestra, also CAPELLMEISTER.
MULTIHOSPITALSSorry, definition not available.
PAPILLOMATOSESpapillomatoses n. Plural of papillomatosis.
PAPILLOMATOSIS n. the condition of having papillomata.
PAPILLOMATOSISpapillomatosis n. (Pathology) the presence of papillomas.
PAPILLOMATOSIS n. the condition of having papillomata.
POLYDACTYLISMSpolydactylisms n. Plural of polydactylism.
POLYDACTYLISM n. the state of being polydactyl, having more than the normal number of fingers.
POLYNOMIALISMSPOLYNOMIALISM n. the state of being polynomial.
POLYSYLLABISMSpolysyllabisms n. Plural of polysyllabism.
POLYSYLLABISM n. the state of being polysyllabic, also POLYSYLLABICISM.
SIMPLISTICALLYsimplistically adv. In a simplistic way.
simplistically adv. Used to announce or excuse an oversimplified explanation or description. (Compare with in a nutshell.)
SIMPLISTIC adv. tending to oversimplify.
SPATHIPHYLLUMSspathiphyllums n. Plural of spathiphyllum.
SPATHIPHYLLUM n. any tropical plant of the genus Spathiphyllum, having lance-shaped leaves and fleshy white spadices of flowers in white spathes.
SPLENOMEGALIESsplenomegalies n. Plural of splenomegaly.
SPLENOMEGALY n. abnormal enlargement of the spleen.
SUPRAMOLECULESsupramolecules n. Plural of supramolecule.
SUPRAMOLECULE n. a cluster of molecules, usually created artificially.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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