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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing A, I, 2N, O, T and X

ANDROMEDOTOXINandromedotoxin n. One of the grayanotoxins; grayanotoxin I.
ANDROMEDOTOXIN n. a poisonous substance extracted from plants of the heath family and used in medicine to lower high blood pressure.
ANNEXATIONISMSANNEXATIONISM n. the policy of annexation.
ANNEXATIONISTSannexationists n. Plural of annexationist.
ANNEXATIONIST n. a supporter of annexation.
DEOXYGENATIONSdeoxygenations n. Plural of deoxygenation.
DEOXYGENATION n. the act of deoxygenating.
EXPANSIONISTICexpansionistic adj. Of, or pertaining to expansionism.
EXPANSIONISTIC adj. relating to expansionism.
EXPONENTIATIONexponentiation n. (Mathematics, arithmetic) The process of calculating a power by multiplying together a number of equal…
exponentiation n. (Mathematics, arithmetic, countable) A mathematical problem involving exponentiation.
EXPONENTIATION n. the mathematical operation of raising a quantity to a power.
EXSANGUINATIONexsanguination n. Bloodletting.
exsanguination n. Hemorrhage.
exsanguination n. Slaughter of an animal by cutting its throat and allowing it to bleed out, especially for the production…
EXTENSIONALISMextensionalism n. (Philosophy) The belief in extensionality.
EXTENSIONALISM n. the state of being extensional.
EXTENSIONALITYextensionality n. (Philosophy) The principle that objects are equal if and only if their observed properties are the same…
extensionality n. (Mathematics, functional analysis) The principle that functions are equal if and only if they operate…
extensionality n. (Mathematics, set theory) The principle, codified in the axiom of extensionality, that sets are equal…
EXTERMINATIONSexterminations n. Plural of extermination.
EXTERMINATION n. the act of exterminating.
EXTRACANONICALextracanonical adj. Outside of canon.
EXTRACANONICAL adj. not part of the canon of the Bible.
INTOXICATINGLYintoxicatingly adv. In a way that is intoxicating.
INTOXICATING adv. INTOXICATE, to make drunk.
NONEXISTENTIALnonexistential adj. Not existential.
NONEXISTENTIAL adj. not existential.
NONINTOXICANTSnonintoxicants n. Plural of nonintoxicant.
NONINTOXICANT n. a substance that is not an intoxicant.
REEXAMINATIONSreexaminations n. Plural of reexamination.
reëxaminations n. Plural of reëxamination.
re-examinations n. Plural of re-examination.
REOXYGENATIONSreoxygenations n. Plural of reoxygenation.
UNINTOXICATINGunintoxicating adj. Not intoxicating.
UNINTOXICATING adj. not intoxicating.
XANTHOPTERINESXANTHOPTERINE n. a yellow pigment obtainable from the wings of yellow butterflies and the urine of mammals, also XANTHOPTERIN.
XENODIAGNOSTICxenodiagnostic adj. Of or pertaining to xenodiagnosis.
XENODIAGNOSTIC adj. relating to xenodiagnosis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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