AUTOTYPOGRAPHY | • autotypography n. (Archaic) A process by which drawings executed on gelatin are impressed into a soft metal plate, from… • AUTOTYPOGRAPHY n. a process by which drawings made on gelatine are transferred to a plate from which impressions may be taken. |
CHEMAUTOTROPHS | • CHEMAUTOTROPH n. an organism, such as a bacterium, that obtains its energy from inorganic reactions using simple compounds, such as ammonia or carbon dioxide. |
CHEMOAUTOTROPH | • chemoautotroph n. (Biology) a simple organism, such as a protozoan, that derives its energy from chemical processes rather… • CHEMOAUTOTROPH n. any organism, e.g. bacteria, that produces energy by the oxidation of inorganic compounds, such as iron, ammonia and hydrogen sulphide, also CHEMOAUTROPH. |
EUTROPHICATION | • eutrophication n. (Biology) The process of becoming eutrophic; the ecosystem’s response to the addition of artificial… • EUTROPHICATION n. the process of becoming eutrophic. |
HYPERPITUITARY | • HYPERPITUITARY adj. relating to increased hormone secretion by the pituitary body. |
HYPERSTIMULATE | • hyperstimulate v. (Transitive) To stimulate to an excessive degree. • HYPERSTIMULATE v. to stimulate excessively. |
NONTHERAPEUTIC | • nontherapeutic adj. Not therapeutic. • nontherapeutic adj. Unrelated to medical treatment. • NONTHERAPEUTIC adj. not therapeutic. |
PHARMACEUTISTS | • pharmaceutists n. Plural of pharmaceutist. • PHARMACEUTIST n. one who prepares medicines. |
PHOTOAUTOTROPH | • photoautotroph n. (Biology) an organism, such as all green plants, that can synthesize its own food from inorganic material… • PHOTOAUTOTROPH n. an organism capable of synthesizing its own food from inorganic substances using light as an energy source. |
STROPHANTHUSES | • strophanthuses n. Plural of strophanthus. • STROPHANTHUS n. a plant of the African and Asiatic genus Strophanthus, of the periwinkle family. |
SUBTHERAPEUTIC | • subtherapeutic adj. (Medicine) Administered at levels lower than would be used in actual treatment of a disease. • SUBTHERAPEUTIC adj. below the dosage levels used to treat diseases. |
TELAUTOGRAPHIC | • telautographic adj. Of or relating to telautography. • TELAUTOGRAPHIC adj. relating to telautography. |
THAUMATOGRAPHY | • thaumatography n. A description of natural wonders. • THAUMATOGRAPHY n. the description of natural wonders. |
THAUMATROPICAL | • THAUMATROPICAL adj. of or like a thaumatrope, an optical toy in which pictures on both sides of a card are seen to combine when the card is rotated rapidly. |
THYSANOPTEROUS | • thysanopterous adj. Of or pertaining to the Thysanoptera. • THYSANOPTEROUS adj. belonging to the Thysanoptera, an order of insects with fringed wings, some of which are serious pests to fruit, such as thrips. |
TRACHYPTERUSES | • TRACHYPTERUS n. any member of the dealfish genus Trachypterus. |