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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing A, H, 2L, N, P and S

AMINOPHYLLINESaminophyllines n. Plural of aminophylline.
AMINOPHYLLINE n. a drug used to stimulate the heart and to dilate the air passages.
ANTHOPHYLLITESanthophyllites n. Plural of anthophyllite.
ANTHOPHYLLITE n. an orthorhombic ferromagnesian amphibole which occurs usually as fibrous or asbestiform masses.
CHANCELLORSHIPchancellorship n. The status of being a chancellor.
CHANCELLORSHIP n. the office of chancellor.
ENCEPHALALGIASENCEPHALALGIA n. pain in the head; headache.
ENCEPHALOCELESencephaloceles n. Plural of encephalocele.
ENCEPHALOCELE n. a protrusion of a portion of the brain through the skull, where the bones are incomplete in infancy.
HYPERSONICALLYhypersonically adv. In a hypersonic way.
HYPERSONIC adv. flying at more than five times the speed of sound.
HYPONASTICALLYhyponastically adv. In a hyponastic manner.
HYPONASTIC adv. relating to hyponasty, a tendency in part of a plant to grow more rapidly on the underside.
LYOPHILISATIONlyophilisation n. Alternative spelling of lyophilization.
PHALLOCENTRISMphallocentrism n. (Literally) Focus on the phallus.
phallocentrism n. (Figuratively) Focus on a male point of view.
PHALLOCENTRISM n. the state of being phallocentric.
PHANTASMICALLYphantasmically adv. In a phantasmic way.
PHANTASMICAL adv. of the nature of a phantasm, also PHANTASMAL, PHANTASMIC.
PHENYLALANINESphenylalanines n. Plural of phenylalanine.
PHENYLALANINE n. an essential amino-acid present in most proteins, also PHENYLALANIN.
PLATYHELMINTHSplatyhelminths n. Plural of platyhelminth.
PLATYHELMINTH n. a tapeworm or planarian.
SPLANCHNOCELESsplanchnoceles n. Plural of splanchnocele.
SPLANCHNOCELE n. a hernia of any of the abdominal viscera.
SULPHANILAMIDEsulphanilamide n. (British spelling, pharmacology) The amide of sulphanilic acid, used to treat streptococcal infections;…
SULPHANILAMIDE n. a white crystalline compound formerly used as an antibacterial drug.
SULPHONYLUREASsulphonylureas n. Plural of sulphonylurea.
SULPHONYLUREA n. a synthetic compound used to reduce the level of glucose in the blood in diabetes mellitus.
TELENCEPHALONStelencephalons n. Plural of telencephalon.
TELENCEPHALON n. the anterior subdivision of the embryonic forebrain or corresponding part of the adult forebrain.
XANTHOPHYLLOUSxanthophyllous adj. Of or relating to xanthophyll.
XANTHOPHYLLOUS adj. like a xanthophyll, a yellow carotenoid pigment found with chlorophyll in green plants and in egg yolks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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