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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing A, F, O, S, 2T and U

ANGUSTIFOLIATEangustifoliate adj. (Botany) Having narrow leaves.
ANGUSTIFOLIATE adj. narrow-leaved.
AUTOINFECTIONSautoinfections n. Plural of autoinfection.
AUTOINFECTION n. reinfection with larvae produced by parasitic worms already in the body.
FACTITIOUSNESSfactitiousness n. The quality of being factitious.
FACTITIOUS n. contrived, artificial.
FLUOROACETATESfluoroacetates n. Plural of fluoroacetate.
FLUOROACETATE n. an organofluorine compound.
FREQUENTATIONSfrequentations n. Plural of frequentation.
FREQUENTATION n. the act of frequenting.
FUNCTIONALISTSfunctionalists n. Plural of functionalist.
FUNCTIONALIST n. an exponent of functionalism.
JUSTIFICATIONSjustifications n. Plural of justification.
JUSTIFICATION n. the act, process, or state of being justified by God.
OUTFANGTHIEVESOUTFANGTHIEF n. (historical) the right of judging and fining thieves pursued and brought back from outside one's own jurisdiction.
PUTRIFICATIONSputrifications n. Plural of putrification.
PUTRIFICATION n. the act or state of putrefying.
STIGMATIFEROUSstigmatiferous adj. (Botany) Bearing a stigma.
STIGMATIFEROUS adj. bearing stigma.
STULTIFICATIONstultification n. The process of stultifying.
stultification n. The state of being stultified.
STULTIFICATION n. the act of stultifying.
SUPERFETATIONSsuperfetations n. Plural of superfetation.
SUPERFETATION n. a second conception when there is already a fetus in the womb, also SUPERFOETATION.
SUPERFOETATIONsuperfoetation n. Alternative spelling of superfetation.
SUPERFOETATION n. a second conception when there is already a fetus in the womb, also SUPERFETATION.
TETRAFLUORIDEStetrafluorides n. Plural of tetrafluoride.
TETRAFLUORIDE n. a fluoride containing four atoms of fluorine.
THURIFICATIONSthurifications n. Plural of thurification.
THURIFICATION n. purification by use of a thurifer, a censer.
TRANSFUSIONISTtransfusionist n. (Medicine) One who carries out a transfusion.
TRANSFUSIONIST n. a doctor who performs transfusions.
UNSATISFACTIONunsatisfaction n. Dissatisfaction.
UNSATISFACTION n. lack of satisfaction.
UNSATISFACTORYunsatisfactory adj. Inadequate, substandard or not satisfactory.
UNSATISFACTORY adj. not satisfactory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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