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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing A, 2E, F, H, L and S

FAITHFULNESSESfaithfulnesses n. Plural of faithfulness.
FAITHFULNESS n. the state of being faithful.
FATHERLESSNESSfatherlessness n. The state or quality of being fatherless (not having a (living) father).
FATHERLESSNESS n. the state of being fatherless.
FATHERLINESSESFATHERLINESS n. the state of being fatherly.
FATHOMLESSNESSfathomlessness n. The state or condition of being fathomless.
FATHOMLESS n. incapable of being fathomed.
GESELLSCHAFTENGesellschaften n. Plural of Gesellschaft.
GESELLSCHAFT n. (German) a rationally developed mechanistic type of social relationship characterized by impersonally contracted associations between persons.
HALFWITTEDNESShalfwittedness n. The quality of being halfwitted.
HALFWITTED n. feebleminded.
LOATHFULNESSESLOATHFULNESS n. the state of being loathful.
REFLECTOGRAPHSreflectographs n. Plural of reflectograph.
REFLECTOGRAPH n. an image produced by reflectography.
SHAMEFULNESSESshamefulnesses n. Plural of shamefulness.
SHAMEFULNESS n. the state of being shameful.
SULFAMETHAZINEsulfamethazine n. Sulfadimidine.
SULFAMETHAZINE n. an American name for sulfadimidine, a white odourless crystalline compound formerly used in medicine in the treatment of bacterial infections.
SULFONMETHANESSULFONMETHANE n. (US) a colourless crystalline compound used medicinally as a hypnotic, also SULPHONMETHANE.
THANKFULNESSESthankfulnesses n. Plural of thankfulness.
THANKFULNESS n. the state of being thankful.
THUNDERFLASHESthunderflashes n. Plural of thunderflash.
THUNDERFLASH n. a container, such as a blank shell, filled with explosive powder, which makes a flash and a loud explosion when detonated.
WATCHFULNESSESwatchfulnesses n. Plural of watchfulness.
WATCHFULNESS n. the state of being watchful.
WRATHFULNESSESWRATHFULNESS n. the state of being wrathful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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