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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing A, C, H, M, 2N and R

ANTIMONARCHISTantimonarchist n. (Politics) One who is opposed to monarchy.
antimonarchist adj. (Politics) Opposed to monarchy.
anti-monarchist n. Alternative spelling of antimonarchist.
CHONDROCRANIUMchondrocranium n. (Anatomy) The developing skull, composed of cartilage, of an embryo before ossification.
CHONDROCRANIUM n. the cartilaginous parts of an embryonic cranium.
CHONDROSAMINESchondrosamines n. Plural of chondrosamine.
CHONDROSAMINE n. an amino-sugar, the basis of chondroitin.
ENANTIOMORPHICenantiomorphic adj. Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting enantiomorphism.
ENANTIOMORPHIC adj. of or like an enantiomorph, also ENANTIOMORPHOUS.
ENHARMONICALLYenharmonically adv. (Music) In an enharmonic manner.
ENHARMONICAL adv. relating to music constructed on a scale containing intervals of less than a semitone, also ENHARMONIC.
FRANCHISEMENTSfranchisements n. Plural of franchisement.
FRANCHISEMENT n. liberation.
HANDICRAFTSMANhandicraftsman n. A practitioner of a handicraft, usually male.
handi-craftsman n. Alternative form of handicraftsman.
HANDICRAFTSMAN n. a person who engages in a handicraft.
HANDICRAFTSMENhandicraftsmen n. Plural of handicraftsman.
handi-craftsmen n. Plural of handi-craftsman.
HANDICRAFTSMAN n. a person who engages in a handicraft.
MERCHANDISINGSmerchandisings n. Plural of merchandising.
MERCHANDISING n. buying and selling in business.
MERCHANDIZINGSmerchandizings n. Plural of merchandizing.
MERCHANDIZING n. buying and selling in business.
MORPHINOMANIACmorphinomaniac n. A morphine addict.
MORPHINOMANIAC n. one excessively addicted to morphine.
NONCHARISMATICnoncharismatic adj. Not charismatic; lacking charisma.
noncharismatic adj. Not of or pertaining to a form of Christianity that emphasises the role of the Holy Spirit.
noncharismatic n. One who is not a member of a form of Christianity that emphasises the role of the Holy Spirit.
NONCHROMOSOMALnonchromosomal adj. Not chromosomal.
NONCHROMOSOMAL adj. not situated on a chromosome.
ORNITHOMANCIESORNITHOMANCY n. divination by observing flight of birds.
PANHARMONICONSpanharmonicons n. Plural of panharmonicon.
PANHARMONICON n. a mechanical musical instrument mimicking an orchestra.
PARCHMENTISINGPARCHMENTISE v. to make like parchment, e.g. by treating with sulphuric acid, also PARCHMENTIZE.
PARCHMENTIZINGparchmentizing v. Present participle of parchmentize.
PARCHMENTIZE v. to make like parchment, e.g. by treating with sulphuric acid, also PARCHMENTISE.
SCRIMSHANDYINGSCRIMSHANDY v. to ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines, also SCRIMSHANDER, SCRIMSHAW.
UNMERCHANTABLEunmerchantable adj. Not merchantable; not fit for market; being of a kind, quality, or quantity that is not salable.
UNMERCHANTABLE adj. not merchantable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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