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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing A, C, G, N and 3O

COGNOMINATIONScognominations n. Plural of cognomination.
COGNOMINATION n. the act of cognominating, naming.
COLONOGRAPHIEScolonographies n. Plural of colonography.
CONCORPORATINGconcorporating v. Present participle of concorporate.
CONCORPORATE v. (archaic) to unite in one body.
CONGLOBULATIONconglobulation n. The act, or the result of conglobulating.
CONGLOBULATION n. the act of conglobulating, forming into a ball.
CONGLOMERATIONconglomeration n. That which consists of many previously separate parts.
conglomeration n. An instance of conglomerating, a coming together of separate parts.
CONGLOMERATION n. the act of conglomerating.
CONGLOMERATORSconglomerators n. Plural of conglomerator.
CONGLOMERATOR n. one who conglomerates.
CONTRAFAGOTTOScontrafagottos n. Plural of contrafagotto.
CONTRAFAGOTTO n. (Italian) a musical instrument like a bassoon.
GERONTOLOGICALgerontological adj. Of or pertaining to gerontology.
GERONTOLOGICAL adj. relating to gerontology, also GERONTOLOGIC.
NANOTECHNOLOGYnanotechnology n. The science and technology of creating nanoparticles and of manufacturing machines which have sizes…
NANOTECHNOLOGY n. the art of manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular scale esp. to build microscopic devices (as robots), also NANOTECH.
NONIDEOLOGICALnonideological adj. Unaffiliated with or unrelated to ideology.
NONIDEOLOGICAL adj. not ideological.
NONTHEOLOGICALnontheological adj. Not theological.
NONTHEOLOGICAL adj. not theological.
ORGANOCHLORINEorganochlorine n. (Chemistry) Any of very many chlorine substituted organic compounds, many of which are insecticides etc.
organochlorine adj. (Chemistry, of an organic compound) containing chlorine.
ORGANOCHLORINE n. a compound of chlorine and an organic radical.
ORNITHOLOGICALornithological adj. Of or pertaining to ornithology.
ORNITHOLOGICAL adj. relating to ornithology, also ORNITHOLOGIC.
PHONOLOGICALLYphonologically adv. (Linguistics) In accordance with phonology.
PHONOLOGICAL adv. relating to phonology, also PHONOLOGIC.
PROGNOSTICATORprognosticator n. One who prognosticates or makes predictions; one who forecasts or guesses.
PROGNOSTICATOR n. one who prognosticates.
TROPOCOLLAGENStropocollagens n. Plural of tropocollagen.
TROPOCOLLAGEN n. a subunit of collagen fibrils consisting of three polypeptide strands arranged in a helix.
VOLCANOLOGICALvolcanological adj. Of or pertaining to volcanology.
VOLCANOLOGISTSvolcanologists n. Plural of volcanologist.
VOLCANOLOGIST n. one who studies volcanology, also VULCANOLOGIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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