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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing A, C, G, I, 2P and S

APOPHLEGMATICSapophlegmatics n. Plural of apophlegmatic.
APOPHLEGMATIC n. an agent preventing the flow of mucus.
CRYPTOGRAPHIEScryptographies n. Plural of cryptography.
CRYPTOGRAPHY n. secret writing.
CRYPTOGRAPHISTcryptographist n. (Rare) A cryptographer.
CRYPTOGRAPHIST n. one who studies cryptographs.
HYPSOGRAPHICALhypsographical adj. Synonym of hypsographic.
HYPSOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to hypsography, the branch of geography dealing with the measurement and mapping of heights above sea level, also HYPSOGRAPHIC.
OPISTHOGRAPHICopisthographic adj. Written on both sides.
opisthographic adj. Relating to an opisthograph.
OPISTHOGRAPHIC adj. like an opisthograph, a manuscript or slab inscribed on the back as well as the front.
PEPTIDOGLYCANSpeptidoglycans n. Plural of peptidoglycan.
PEPTIDOGLYCAN n. a polymer in the cell walls of procaryotes.
PHARYNGOSCOPICpharyngoscopic adj. Relating to pharyngoscopy.
PHARYNGOSCOPIC adj. relating to a pharyngoscope.
PHRASEOGRAPHICPHRASEOGRAPHIC adj. of or like a phraseograph.
PROPAGANDISTICpropagandistic adj. Having the characteristics of propaganda; spreading propaganda.
PROPAGANDISTIC adj. related to propaganda.
PSYCHOGRAPHICSpsychographics n. The use of demographics to obtain marketing data from people’s attitudes, lifestyles etc.
PSYCHOGRAPHICS n. the quantitive study of personalities and attitudes, used as a tool in marketing.
PSYCHOGRAPHIESpsychographies n. Plural of psychography.
PSYCHOGRAPHY n. the production of images attributed to supernatural causes.
SHARECROPPINGSSHARECROPPING n. a kind of tenant farming where the farmer supplies, in lieu of rent, a share of the crop.
SPECTROGRAPHICspectrographic adj. Of or pertaining to spectrography or spectrographs.
SPECTROGRAPHIC adj. relating to spectrography.
SPHYGMOGRAPHICsphygmographic adj. Of or pertaining to a sphygmograph or to sphygmography.
SPHYGMOGRAPHIC adj. relating to a sphygmograph, an instrument for recording the pulse.
SUPERCARGOSHIPsupercargoship n. The role or status of supercargo.
SUPERCARGOSHIP n. the office of supercargo.
SUPPLICATINGLYsupplicatingly adv. Beseechingly, imploringly, in a supplicatory manner.
SUPPLICATING adv. SUPPLICATE, to entreat for.
WAPPENSCHAWINGWAPPENSCHAWING n. (Scots) a periodical gathering of the people within an area for the purpose of seeing that each man was armed according to his rank, and ready to take the field, also WAPENSCHAW, WAPENSHAW, WAPINSCHAW, WAPINSHAW, WAPPENSHAW, WAPPENSHAWING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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