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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing A, C, E, 2H and 2S

ARCHPRIESTSHIPARCHPRIESTSHIP n. the office of archpriest.
ASTHENOSPHERICasthenospheric adj. (Geology) Of, pertaining to, or arising from the asthenosphere, the soft area of the upper mantle.
ASTHENOSPHERIC adj. relating to the asthenosphere.
CHIEFTAINSHIPSchieftainships n. Plural of chieftainship.
CHIEFTAINSHIP n. the rank of chieftain.
CHOLELITHIASEScholelithiases n. Plural of cholelithiasis.
CHOLELITHIASIS n. the production of gall stones.
CHOLELITHIASIScholelithiasis n. (Medicine) gallstones.
CHOLELITHIASIS n. the production of gall stones.
CHRESTOMATHIESchrestomathies n. Plural of chrestomathy.
CHRESTOMATHY n. a selection of passages compiled as an aid to learning a language; a volume of selected passages or stories of an author.
CHRISTOPHANIESChristophanies n. Plural of Christophany.
CHRISTOPHANY n. an appearance of Christ to men.
CHRYSANTHEMUMSchrysanthemums n. Plural of chrysanthemum.
CHRYSANTHEMUM n. any of several cultivated plants of the Chrysanthemum genus, with colourful double flower-heads.
CRASHWORTHIESTCRASHWORTHY adj. resistant to the effects of collision.
ESCHSCHOLTZIASeschscholtzias n. Plural of eschscholtzia.
ESCHSCHOLTZIA n. a flower of the poppy family, also ESCHSCHOLZIA.
PSYCHASTHENIASpsychasthenias n. Plural of psychasthenia.
PSYCHASTHENIA n. an incapacity to resolve doubts/uncertainties or to resist obsessions/compulsions that one knows are irrational.
PSYCHASTHENICSpsychasthenics n. Plural of psychasthenic.
PSYCHASTHENIC n. one suffering from psychasthenia.
PSYCHOGRAPHIESpsychographies n. Plural of psychography.
PSYCHOGRAPHY n. the production of images attributed to supernatural causes.
SCAPHOCEPHALUSSCAPHOCEPHALUS n. an abnormally long and narrow boat-shaped skull.
SCHIZOPHRENIASschizophrenias n. Plural of schizophrenia.
SCHIZOPHRENIA n. a mental disorder with 'splitting' of personality and separation from environment.
SCHOOLTEACHERSschoolteachers n. Plural of schoolteacher.
school␣teachers n. Plural of school teacher.
SCHOOLTEACHER n. one who teaches school.
SENESCHALSHIPSseneschalships n. Plural of seneschalship.
SENESCHALSHIP n. the office of seneschal.
SYNCHROFLASHESSYNCHROFLASH n. a mechanism which synchronizes the opening of a camera shutter with the peak of brilliance of a flash bulb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 124 words
  • Scrabble in French: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 68 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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