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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing A, C, E, G and 3S

CHANGELESSNESSchangelessness n. The state or quality of being changeless.
CHANGELESS n. never changing.
CONTAGIOUSNESScontagiousness n. The state or condition of being contagious.
CONTAGIOUSNESS n. the state of being contagious.
COURAGEOUSNESScourageousness n. The state of being courageous.
COURAGEOUSNESS n. the state of being courageous.
ESCHATOLOGISTSeschatologists n. Plural of eschatologist.
ESCHATOLOGIST n. a specialist in eschatology.
ESOPHAGOSCOPESesophagoscopes n. Plural of esophagoscope.
ESOPHAGOSCOPE n. an implement for examining the oesophagus.
EXACTINGNESSESEXACTINGNESS n. the state of being exacting.
GALACTOSIDASESgalactosidases n. Plural of galactosidase.
GALACTOSIDASE n. an enzyme (as lactase) that hydrolyzes a galactoside.
GALLSICKNESSESGALLSICKNESS n. a tick-borne disease affecting the livers of cattle, sheep and goats.
GIGANTICNESSESGIGANTICNESS n. the state of being gigantic.
GLAUCOUSNESSESGLAUCOUSNESS n. the state of being glaucous.
GRACEFULNESSESgracefulnesses n. Plural of gracefulness.
GRACEFULNESS n. the state of being graceful.
GRACIOUSNESSESgraciousnesses n. Plural of graciousness.
GRACIOUSNESS n. the state of being gracious.
ORCHARDGRASSESorchardgrasses n. Plural of orchardgrass.
PUGNACIOUSNESSpugnaciousness n. The act or quality of being pugnacious.
PUGNACIOUS n. having a quarrelsome or combative nature.
SCAPEGALLOWSESscapegallowses n. Plural of scapegallows.
SCAPEGALLOWS n. a person who deserves hanging.
SUBCATEGORISESsubcategorises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subcategorise.
SUBCATEGORISE v. to classify into subcategories, also SUBCATEGORIZE.
TRAGICALNESSESTRAGICALNESS n. the state of being tragical.
UNCARINGNESSESSorry, definition not available.
UNGRACIOUSNESSungraciousness n. The state or quality of being ungracious.
UNGRACIOUSNESS n. the state of being ungracious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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