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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing A, 2C, L and 3S

ACCESSIBLENESSaccessibleness n. The property that someone or something can be accessed.
ACCESSIBLENESS n. the state of being accessible.
CIRCULARNESSESCIRCULARNESS n. the state of being circular.
CLASSICALITIESclassicalities n. Plural of classicality.
CLASSICALITY n. the state of being classical.
CLINICALNESSESCLINICALNESS n. the state of being clinical.
CRITICALNESSESCRITICALNESS n. the state of being critical.
ESCHSCHOLTZIASeschscholtzias n. Plural of eschscholtzia.
ESCHSCHOLTZIA n. a flower of the poppy family, also ESCHSCHOLZIA.
FARCICALNESSESFARCICALNESS n. the state of being farcical.
MUSSELCRACKERSMUSSELCRACKER n. a large sea bream that feeds on shellfish.
NEOCLASSICISMSneoclassicisms n. Plural of neoclassicism.
NEOCLASSICISM n. a revival of the classical style in art and architecture.
NEOCLASSICISTSneoclassicists n. Plural of neoclassicist.
NEOCLASSICIST n. an exponent of neoclassicism.
OCCASIONALISMSoccasionalisms n. Plural of occasionalism.
OCCASIONALISM n. the Cartesian explanation of the apparent interaction of mind and matter by the direct intervention of God on the occasion of certain changes occurring in one or the other.
OCCASIONALISTSoccasionalists n. Plural of occasionalist.
OCCASIONALIST n. a believer in occasionalism.
PSEUDOCLASSICSpseudoclassics n. Plural of pseudoclassic.
PSEUDOCLASSIC n. an imitation classic.
SCHOLASTICATESscholasticates n. Plural of scholasticate.
SCHOLASTICATE n. a preparatory college for those intending to enter Catholic order.
SCHOLASTICISMSscholasticisms n. Plural of scholasticism.
Scholasticisms n. Plural of Scholasticism.
SCHOLASTICISM n. the aims, methods, and products of thought which constituted the main endeavour of the intellectual life of the Middle Ages.
SCINTILLISCANSSCINTILLISCAN n. a 2-D image from a radioisotope scan, also SCINTISCAN.
SUCCESSIONALLYsuccessionally adv. In terms of, or by means of, succession.
SUCCESSIONAL adv. relating to succession.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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