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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing A, 2C, H, M, N and T

ACCOMPLISHMENTaccomplishment n. The act of accomplishing; completion; fulfilment.
accomplishment n. That which completes, perfects, or equips thoroughly; acquirement; attainment; that which constitutes…
accomplishment n. Something accomplished; an achievement.
CALYCANTHEMIESCALYCANTHEMY n. the condition of having the calyx like a corolla.
CATECHOLAMINEScatecholamines n. Plural of catecholamine.
CATECHOLAMINE n. any of various amines, such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine, that function as hormones or neurotransmitters or both.
CATECHUMENATEScatechumenates n. Plural of catechumenate.
CATECHUMENATE n. the state of being a catechumen.
CATECHUMENICALcatechumenical adj. Of or pertaining to catechumens.
CATECHUMENICAL adj. of or like a catechumen, also CATECHUMENAL.
CATECHUMENSHIPcatechumenship n. The state or condition of a catechumen.
CATECHUMENSHIP n. the office of catechumen.
CHEMOTAXONOMICchemotaxonomic adj. Of or pertaining to chemotaxonomy.
CHEMOTAXONOMIC adj. relating to chemotaxonomy.
CHRONOMETRICALchronometrical adj. Chronometric; measured by chronometer.
CHRONOMETRICAL adj. relating to chronometry, also CHRONOMETRIC.
CHURCHMANLIESTCHURCHMANLY adj. in the manner of a churchman.
CHYMIFICATIONSCHYMIFICATION n. the process of chymifying.
COUNTERCHARMEDcountercharmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of countercharm.
COUNTERCHARM v. to destroy or dissolve the effects of (another charm).
COUNTERMARCHEDcountermarched v. Simple past tense and past participle of countermarch.
COUNTERMARCH v. to march or cause to march back or in a direction opposite to a former one.
COUNTERMARCHEScountermarches n. Plural of countermarch.
countermarches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of countermarch.
COUNTERMARCH v. to march or cause to march back or in a direction opposite to a former one.
MACHICOLATIONSmachicolations n. Plural of machicolation.
MACHICOLATION n. an opening between the corbels which support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal for shooting or dropping missiles upon assailants attacking the base of the walls.
MONOCHROMATICSMONOCHROMATIC n. a monochromatic painting, drawing, garment, etc.
NONCHARISMATICnoncharismatic adj. Not charismatic; lacking charisma.
noncharismatic adj. Not of or pertaining to a form of Christianity that emphasises the role of the Holy Spirit.
noncharismatic n. One who is not a member of a form of Christianity that emphasises the role of the Holy Spirit.
NONMECHANISTICnonmechanistic adj. Not mechanistic.
NONMECHANISTIC adj. not mechanistic.
SCLERENCHYMATAsclerenchymata n. Plural of sclerenchyma.
SCLERENCHYMA n. plant tissue consisting of cells with thick lignified walls.
TRICHOMONACIDEtrichomonacide n. Any substance that kills trichomonads.
TRICHOMONACIDE n. an agent used to destroy trichomonads.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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