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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing A, B, 2I, M, P and S

AMPHIBIOUSNESSamphibiousness n. The state or quality of being amphibious.
AMPHIBIOUSNESS n. the state of being amphibious.
BIPARTISANISMSBIPARTISANISM n. the state of being bipartisan.
BRINKSMANSHIPSbrinksmanships n. Plural of brinksmanship.
BRINKSMANSHIP n. the art or practice of pushing a dangerous situation or confrontation to the limit of safety esp. to force a desired outcome, also BRINKMANSHIP.
COMPENSABILITYcompensability n. The characteristic of being compensable; the ability to be compensated.
COMPENSABILITY n. the state of being compensable.
IMPARISYLLABICimparisyllabic adj. Not having the same number of syllables in all its inflections (especially of Greek or Latin nouns);…
imparisyllabic n. An imparisyllabic noun.
IMPARISYLLABIC adj. having different number of syllables in different cases.
IMPASSIBLENESSimpassibleness n. Impassibility.
IMPASSIBLENESS n. the state of being impassible.
IMPLAUSIBILITYimplausibility n. Lack of plausibility; the quality of being implausible.
implausibility n. Something implausible.
IMPLAUSIBILITY n. the state of being implausible.
IMPRESSIONABLEimpressionable adj. Being easily influenced (especially of young people).
impressionable n. An impressionable person.
IMPRESSIONABLE adj. capable of being easily impressed.
IMPUTABILITIESimputabilities n. Plural of imputability.
IMPUTABILITY n. the ability to be imputed.
METABISULPHITEmetabisulphite n. Alternative spelling of metabisulfite.
METABISULPHITE n. as in sodium metabisulphite, an inorganic compound.
PERMEABILITIESpermeabilities n. Plural of permeability.
PERMEABILITY n. the capacity of material to transmit water or other fluids.
PROBABILIORISMprobabiliorism n. (Religion, philosophy) The belief that man is fated to do what is almost certainly correct.
probabiliorism n. (Theology) The position that it is not lawful to act on a less safe opinion in moral matters unless…
PROBABILIORISM n. the belief that when in doubt one must choose the most likely answer.
PROVERBIALISMSproverbialisms n. Plural of proverbialism.
PROVERBIALISM n. a saying in the form of, or like, a proverb.
REPUBLICANISMSrepublicanisms n. Plural of republicanism.
REPUBLICANISM n. adherence to or sympathy for a republican form of government.
SUPERAMBITIOUSsuperambitious adj. (Informal) Very ambitious.
SUPERAMBITIOUS adj. extremely ambitious.
TEMPTABILITIESTEMPTABILITY n. the quality of being temptable.
THROMBOPHILIASthrombophilias n. Plural of thrombophilia.
THROMBOPHILIA n. combined inflammation and thrombosis of a vein.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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