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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 8 fourteen-letter words containing A, B, G, I, N, O and P

GERONTOPHOBIASGERONTOPHOBIA n. a fear of old age or of growing old.
NANOPUBLISHINGnanopublishing n. Blog-based publishing intended for a certain niche audience.
NANOPUBLISHING n. online, low-cost publishing which utilizes blogs and techniques based on blogging in order to target a specific audience.
OBSTREPERATINGobstreperating v. Present participle of obstreperate.
OBSTREPERATE v. (Sterne) to make an unruly noise.
PROBLEMATIZINGproblematizing v. Present participle of problematize.
PSYCHOBABBLINGpsychobabbling v. Present participle of psychobabble.
psychobabbling adj. That makes use of psychobabble.
PSYCHOBABBLE v. to use language laden with jargon from psychotherapy or psychiatry used without much concern for accuracy.
SPONGIOBLASTICSPONGIOBLASTIC adj. of or like a spongioblast, any of numerous columnar epithelial cells in the brain and spinal cord that develop into neuroglia.
SPRINGBOARDINGspringboarding v. Present participle of springboard.
SUPERABOUNDINGsuperabounding v. Present participle of superabound.
superabounding n. Superabundance.
SUPERABOUND v. to be superabundant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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