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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing A, B, E, N, R, T and V

ABORTIVENESSESabortivenesses n. Plural of abortiveness.
ABORTIVENESS n. the state of being abortive.
ABSORPTIVENESSabsorptiveness n. The quality of being absorptive; absorptive power.
ABSORPTIVENESS n. the state of being absorptive, also ABSORPTIVITY.
ANTISUBVERSIONantisubversion adj. Opposing or countering political subversion.
ANTISUBVERSION adj. opposed to subversion.
ANTISUBVERSIVEantisubversive adj. (Politics) Opposing or countering political subversion.
antisubversive n. One who opposes political subversion.
ANTISUBVERSIVE adj. opposed to subversion.
INTERAVAILABLEinteravailable adj. (Public transport) Such that tickets purchased for one route or service can be used on another.
INTERBEHAVIORSINTERBEHAVIOR n. the behaviour of interaction between organisms, also INTERBEHAVIOUR.
INTERBEHAVIOURinterbehaviour n. Rare spelling of interbehavior.
INTERBEHAVIOUR n. interaction between multiple individuals, also INTERBEHAVIOR.
INTERVERTEBRALintervertebral adj. Between the vertebrae.
INTERVERTEBRAL adj. between vertebrae.
OVERABUNDANTLYoverabundantly adv. In an overabundant manner.
OVERBREATHINGSoverbreathings n. Plural of overbreathing.
OVERBREATHING n. hyperventilation.
PREVENTABILITYpreventability n. (Uncountable) The condition of being preventable.
preventability n. (Countable) The extent to which something is preventable.
PREVENTABILITY n. the state of being preventable.
REVERBERATIONSreverberations n. Plural of reverberation.
REVERBERATION n. an act of reverberating.
VENERABILITIESvenerabilities n. Plural of venerability.
VENERABILITY n. the state of being venerable.
VERBALISATIONSverbalisations n. Plural of verbalisation.
VERBALISATION n. the act of verbalising, also VERBALIZATION.
VERBALIZATIONSverbalizations n. Plural of verbalization.
VERBALIZATION n. the act of verbalizing, also VERBALISATION.
VERBIFICATIONSverbifications n. Plural of verbification.
VERBIFICATION n. conversion into a verb.
VERBIGERATIONSverbigerations n. Plural of verbigeration.
VERBIGERATION n. the obsessive repetition of stereotyped phrases.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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