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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing A, B, C, N, P, S and T

ACCEPTABLENESSacceptableness n. The quality of being acceptable, or suitable to be favorably received; acceptability.
ACCEPTABLENESS n. the quality of being acceptable.
BRONCHOSPASTICbronchospastic adj. Relating to, or causing, bronchospasm.
BRONCHOSPASTIC adj. relating to bronchospasm.
CARPETBAGGINGSCARPETBAGGING n. the act of engaging in political chicanery.
COMPATIBLENESScompatibleness n. The state or quality of being compatible.
COMPATIBLENESS n. the state of being compatible.
COMPENSABILITYcompensability n. The characteristic of being compensable; the ability to be compensated.
COMPENSABILITY n. the state of being compensable.
CONSTABLESHIPSconstableships n. Plural of constableship.
CONSTABLESHIP n. the office of constable.
INCAPABILITIESincapabilities n. Plural of incapability.
INCAPABILITY n. the state of being incapable.
OPISTHOBRANCHSopisthobranchs n. Plural of opisthobranch.
OPISTHOBRANCH n. a type of mollusc having gills, little or no shell, two pairs of tentacles.
PLEBIFICATIONSplebifications n. Plural of plebification.
PLEBIFICATION n. making something vulgar or plebeian.
POLYCARBONATESpolycarbonates n. Plural of polycarbonate.
POLYCARBONATE n. any of a range of strong thermoplastics.
PROTUBERANCIESprotuberancies n. Plural of protuberancy.
PROTUBERANCY n. a swelling or bump on the surface, also PROTUBERANCE.
REPUBLICATIONSrepublications n. Plural of republication.
REPUBLICATION n. the act or action of republishing.
SPONGIOBLASTICSPONGIOBLASTIC adj. of or like a spongioblast, any of numerous columnar epithelial cells in the brain and spinal cord that develop into neuroglia.
UNPREDICTABLESunpredictables n. Plural of unpredictable.
UNPREDICTABLE n. something that cannot be predicted.
UNRESPECTABLESunrespectables n. Plural of unrespectable.
UNRESPECTABLE n. one who is not respectable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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