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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, 2N, R, S and Z

CARBONIZATIONScarbonizations n. Plural of carbonization.
CARBONIZATION n. the act of carbonizing, also CARBONISATION.
CONNATURALIZESconnaturalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of connaturalize.
CONNATURALIZE v. to make of the same nature, also CONNATURALISE.
GERMANIZATIONSGermanizations n. Plural of Germanization.
GERMANIZATION n. the act of germanizing, also GERMANISATION.
GRANITIZATIONSgranitizations n. Plural of granitization.
GRANITIZATION n. a metamorphic process by which solid rock is converted into granite without passing through a magmatic stage, also GRANITISATION.
HARMONIZATIONSharmonizations n. Plural of harmonization.
HARMONIZATION n. the act of harmonising, also HARMONISATION.
JARGONIZATIONSjargonizations n. Plural of jargonization.
JARGONIZATION n. the process of jargonizing, also JARGONISATION.
LINEARIZATIONSlinearizations n. Plural of linearization.
LINEARIZATION n. the act of making linear, also LINEARISATION.
NARCOTIZATIONSnarcotizations n. Plural of narcotization.
NARCOTIZATION n. the process of narcotizing, also NARCOTISATION.
NORMALIZATIONSnormalizations n. Plural of normalization.
NORMALIZATION n. the act of normalizing, also NORMALISATION.
PARAINFLUENZASparainfluenzas n. Plural of parainfluenza.
PARAINFLUENZA n. as in parainfluenza virus, any of a number of viruses causing influenza-like symptoms.
PATRONIZATIONSpatronizations n. Plural of patronization.
PATRONIZATION n. the act of patronizing, also PATRONISATION.
RANDOMIZATIONSrandomizations n. Plural of randomization.
RANDOMIZATION n. the act of randomizing, also RANDOMISATION.
RENATIONALIZESrenationalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of renationalize.
RENATIONALIZE v. to nationalize again, also RENATIONALISE.
SECTARIANIZINGsectarianizing v. Present participle of sectarianize.
SECTARIANIZE v. to make sectarian, also SECTARIANISE.
TRANSPARENTIZEtransparentize v. (Transitive) To make transparent.
transparentize v. (Intransitive) To become transparent.
TRANSPARENTIZE v. to make transparent, also TRANSPARENTISE.
UNSTANDARDIZEDunstandardized adj. Not standardized.
UNSTANDARDIZED adj. not standardized, also UNSTANDARDISED.
VERNALIZATIONSvernalizations n. Plural of vernalization.
VERNALIZATION n. subjecting seeds to low temperatures to hasten plant development, also VERNALISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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