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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, L, M, 2R and U

COMPURGATORIALcompurgatorial adj. Relating to a compurgator or to compurgation.
COMPURGATORIAL adj. relating to compurgation, the clearing of an accused person by means of oaths.
INTERAMBULACRAinterambulacra n. Plural of interambulacrum.
INTERAMBULACRUM n. in sea urchins, a radial band between ambulacra.
INTRAMEDULLARYintramedullary adj. (Anatomy) Inside the medulla.
INTRAMEDULLARY adj. within the bone marrow.
INTRAMERCURIALintramercurial adj. (Astronomy) Between the planet Mercury and the sun.
INTRAMERCURIAL adj. within Mercury's orbit.
INTRAMOLECULARintramolecular adj. (Chemistry, physics) Between different parts of the same molecule.
INTRAMOLECULAR adj. existing or acting within the molecule.
MACROMOLECULARmacromolecular adj. Of or relating to a macromolecule.
MACROMOLECULAR adj. of or like a macromolecule.
MULTICHARACTERmulticharacter adj. (Art) Involving or performing multiple characters.
multicharacter adj. (Computing) Consisting of more than one character (unit of text).
MULTICHARACTER adj. having many characters.
MULTIPARAMETERmultiparameter adj. Having, or employing multiple parameters.
MULTIPARAMETER adj. featuring many parameters.
PARAJOURNALISMparajournalism n. The deceptive use of journalistic style and presentation to publish falsehoods.
PARAJOURNALISM n. journalism that is heavily colored by the opinions of the reporter.
PARTICULARISMSparticularisms n. Plural of particularism.
PARTICULARISM n. exclusive or special devotion to a particular interest.
PREMANDIBULARSpremandibulars n. Plural of premandibular.
PREMANDIBULAR n. a bone so placed in fishes, etc.
SUPRAMAXILLARYsupramaxillary adj. (Anatomy) Situated over the lower jaw.
supramaxillary adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the upper jaw.
supramaxillary n. (Anatomy) The superior maxillary, or upper jawbone.
SUPRAMOLECULARsupramolecular adj. (Chemistry) Consisting of many molecules; of scale or complexity greater than that of a molecule.
SUPRAMOLECULAR adj. more complex than a molecule.
ULTRAGLAMOROUSultraglamorous adj. Extremely glamorous.
ULTRAGLAMOROUS adj. extremely glamorous.
ULTRAMARATHONSultramarathons n. Plural of ultramarathon.
ULTRAMARATHON n. a footrace longer than a marathon.
ULTRAMINIATUREultraminiature adj. Extremely small; highly miniaturized.
ULTRAMINIATURE adj. extremely miniature.
ULTRAROMANTICSSorry, definition not available.
UNMARRIAGEABLEunmarriageable adj. Not marriageable, unsuitable for marriage.
unmarriageable adj. That cannot be reconciled, inconsistent.
UNMARRIAGEABLE adj. not marriageable.
UNPROGRAMMABLEunprogrammable adj. That cannot be programmed.
UNPROGRAMMABLE adj. not programmable.
VERNACULARISMSvernacularisms n. Plural of vernacularism.
VERNACULARISM n. a vernacular word or idiom.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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