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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, L, M, N, O and Z

ANIMALIZATIONSanimalizations n. Plural of animalization.
ANIMALIZATION n. the process of animalizing, also ANIMALISATION.
CARAMELIZATIONcaramelization n. (Cooking) The process that converts sugars into caramel; the process of caramelizing.
caramelization n. (Cooking) The browning of sugars by heat.
CARAMELIZATION n. the process of caramelizing, also CARAMELISATION.
DECIMALIZATIONdecimalization n. Alternative spelling of decimalisation.
DECIMALIZATION n. conversion (as of a currency) to a decimal system, also DECIMALISATION.
DEMORALIZATIONdemoralization n. The act of corrupting or subverting morale, discipline, courage, hope, etc., or the state of being corrupted…
DEMORALIZATION n. the act of demoralizing, also DEMORALISATION.
FORMALIZATIONSformalizations n. Plural of formalization.
FORMALIZATION n. the act of formalizing, also FORMALISATION.
GLAMORIZATIONSglamorizations n. Plural of glamorization.
GLAMORIZATION n. the process of glamorizing, also GLAMORISATION.
LEMMATIZATIONSlemmatizations n. Plural of lemmatization.
LEMMATIZATION n. the process of lemmatizing, also LEMMATISATION.
MEDICALIZATIONmedicalization n. The act or process of medicalizing.
MEDICALIZATION n. the process of medicalizing, also MEDICALISATION.
METALLIZATIONSmetallizations n. Plural of metallization.
MILITARIZATIONmilitarization n. The process whereby some area, procedure, aspect of culture, etc., becomes controlled by the military…
MILITARIZATION n. the act of militarizing, also MILITARISATION.
MINERALIZATIONmineralization n. A form of fossilization in which the organic parts of an organism are replaced by minerals.
mineralization n. The breakdown of organic matter in the soil to form soluble inorganic compounds.
mineralization n. (Medicine) The deposition of calcium salts in abnormal parts of the skeleton.
MUSICALIZATIONmusicalization n. The act of musicalizing.
MUSICALIZATION n. the process of musicalizing, also MUSICALISATION.
MUTUALIZATIONSmutualizations n. Plural of mutualization.
MUTUALIZATION n. the process of mutualizing, also MUTUALISATION.
NOMINALIZATIONnominalization n. (Linguistics, uncountable) The use of a word which is not a noun (e.g. a verb or adjective) as a noun…
nominalization n. (Linguistics, countable) An instance of such use: a noun formed from a nominalized adjective.
NOMINALIZATION n. the process of nominalizing, also NOMINALISATION.
NORMALIZATIONSnormalizations n. Plural of normalization.
NORMALIZATION n. the act of normalizing, also NORMALISATION.
OPTIMALIZATIONoptimalization n. Alternative form of optimization.
OPTIMALIZATION n. the process of optimalizing, also OPTIMALISATION.
THERMALIZATIONthermalization n. (Physics) The process of reaching thermal equilibrium by mutual interaction.
THERMALIZATION n. the act of thermalizing, also THERMALISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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