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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, I, O, 2R and V

ANTIRETROVIRALantiretroviral adj. (Pharmacology) That combats infection by retroviruses.
antiretroviral n. (Medicine, pharmacology) An agent that combats retroviruses.
ANTIRETROVIRAL adj. inhibiting the process by which a retrovirus replicates.
ASTRONAVIGATORastronavigator n. One who performs astronavigation; an astronaut or space pilot.
ASTRONAVIGATOR n. one who practises astronavigation.
AVERRUNCATIONSaverruncations n. Plural of averruncation.
AVERRUNCATION n. the act of averruncating.
CARDIOVASCULARcardiovascular adj. Relating to the circulatory system, that is the heart and blood vessels.
CARDIOVASCULAR adj. of, relating to, or involving the heart and blood vessels.
CONSERVATORIALconservatorial adj. Relating to conservation.
CONSERVATORIAL adj. of or like a conservator.
OVERARTICULATEoverarticulate v. (Transitive) To articulate excessively.
OVERARTICULATE v. to articulate excessively.
OVERDRAMATISEDoverdramatised v. Simple past tense and past participle of overdramatise.
OVERDRAMATISE v. to dramatise to excess, also OVERDRAMATIZE.
OVERDRAMATISESoverdramatises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overdramatise.
OVERDRAMATISE v. to dramatise to excess, also OVERDRAMATIZE.
OVERDRAMATIZEDoverdramatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of overdramatize.
OVERDRAMATIZE v. to dramatize to excess, also OVERDRAMATISE.
OVERDRAMATIZESoverdramatizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overdramatize.
OVERDRAMATIZE v. to dramatize to excess, also OVERDRAMATISE.
OVERPARTICULARoverparticular adj. Excessively fastidious.
OVERPARTICULAR adj. excessively particular.
OVERSATURATINGoversaturating v. Present participle of oversaturate.
OVERSATURATE v. to saturate to excess.
OVERSATURATIONoversaturation n. Supersaturation.
OVERSATURATION n. excessive saturation.
PREVARICATIONSprevarications n. Plural of prevarication.
PREVARICATION n. the act of prevaricating.
REVALORIZATIONrevalorization n. (Economics) The fact or process of setting a new value for a given commodity, currency etc.
revalorization n. The establishment of a new value for something; revaluation, especially in a positive sense.
REVALORIZATION n. the act of revalorizing, also REVALORISATION.
TRANSFORMATIVEtransformative adj. That causes a transformation; causing a notable and lasting change.
transformative adj. (Linguistics) Chiefly in transformative-generative: of or relating to a theory of generative grammar…
TRANSFORMATIVE adj. having the power to transform.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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