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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, I, 2L and 2P

APOPLECTICALLYapoplectically adv. In an apoplectic manner.
APOPLECTICAL adv. (archaic) apoplectic, also APOPLECTIC.
APOTROPAICALLYapotropaically adv. In an apotropaic manner.
APOTROPAIC adv. averting or combating evil.
APPLICABLENESSapplicableness n. The state or quality of being applicable.
APPLICABLENESS n. the state of being applicable.
CLAPPERCLAWINGclapperclawing v. Present participle of clapperclaw.
CLAPPERCLAW v. (archaic) to claw or scratch.
DISAPPARELLINGdisapparelling v. Present participle of disapparel.
DISAPPAREL v. to disrobe; to strip of apparel.
EPIGRAPHICALLYepigraphically adv. In terms of epigraphs.
EPIGRAPHICAL adv. relating to an epigraph, also EPIGRAPHIC.
PALEOGRAPHICALpaleographical adj. Alternative form of paleographic.
PALEOGRAPHICAL adj. related to paleography, the study of ancient writings, also PALAEOGRAPHIC.
PAPILLOMATOSESpapillomatoses n. Plural of papillomatosis.
PAPILLOMATOSIS n. the condition of having papillomata.
PAPILLOMATOSISpapillomatosis n. (Pathology) the presence of papillomas.
PAPILLOMATOSIS n. the condition of having papillomata.
PAPILLOMAVIRUSpapillomavirus n. (Virology) Any variety of virus which causes warts.
PAPILLOMAVIRUS n. any of a genus of double-stranded DNA viruses that cause papillomas and are sometimes associated with human cancers of the genital tract and esp. of the cervix.
PARALLELEPIPEDparallelepiped n. (Geometry) A solid figure, having six faces, all parallelograms, all opposite faces being similar and parallel.
PARALLELEPIPED n. a solid figure with each face a parallelogram.
PARALLELOPIPEDparallelopiped n. Alternative form of parallelepiped.
PARALLELOPIPED n. a solid figure bounded by six parallelograms, opposite pairs being identical and parallel.
POSTPRANDIALLYpostprandially adv. In a postprandial manner; after a meal; especially, after dinner.
UNFLAPPABILITYunflappability n. The state of being unflappable.
UNFLAPPABILITY n. the state of being unflappable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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