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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, I, 2L and 2M

ASYMMETRICALLYasymmetrically adv. In an asymmetric manner.
ASYMMETRICAL adv. not symmetrical, also ASYMMETRIC.
EMBLEMATICALLYemblematically adv. In an emblematic manner.
EMBLEMATICAL adv. of, relating to, or constituting an emblem, also EMBLEMATIC.
FLAMMABILITIESflammabilities n. Plural of flammability.
FLAMMABILITY n. the ability to support combustion.
INFLAMMABILITYinflammability n. The condition of being inflammable (usually in the sense of "flammable").
inflammability n. The extent to which something is inflammable.
INFLAMMABILITY n. the state of being inflammable.
INFLAMMATORILYinflammatorily adv. In an inflammatory manner.
INFLAMMATORY adv. tending to inflame.
MALLEMAROKINGSMALLEMAROKING n. the carousing of seamen in icebound ships, also MOLLIE.
MANOMETRICALLYmanometrically adv. Using a manometer.
MANOMETRICAL adv. relating to manometry, the measurement of the pressure of fluids, also MANOMETRIC.
MARSHMALLOWIERMARSHMALLOWY adj. of or like marshmallow.
MATHEMATICALLYmathematically adv. According to or using mathematics.
MATHEMATICAL adv. related to mathematics, also MATHEMATIC.
MEDICAMENTALLYmedicamentally adv. In terms of medicinal properties.
MEDICAMENTAL adv. relating to medicaments, also MEDICAMENTARY.
MEGALOMANIACALmegalomaniacal adj. Megalomaniac.
MEGALOMANIACAL adj. relating to megalomania, also MEGALOMANIC.
MILLENARIANISMmillenarianism n. A belief in a coming religious millennium, especially (Christianity) the belief in a coming thousand-year…
MILLENARIANISM n. the belief that an ideal society will be produced in the near future, also MILLENARISM, MILLENNIALISM, MILLENNIANISM, MILLENNIARISM.
MONOMANIACALLYmonomaniacally adv. In a monomaniacal manner.
MONOMANIACAL adv. obsessed with one subject only.
MULTIRACIALISMmultiracialism n. The promotion of a diverse society composed of various races with different cultural backgrounds.
MULTIRACIALISM n. the state of being multiracial.
NONINFLAMMABLEnoninflammable adj. Not inflammable.
NONINFLAMMABLE adj. not inflammable.
NUMISMATICALLYnumismatically adv. In terms of coins or currency.
NUMISMATIC adv. relating to numismatics, the study of coins.
PANTOMIMICALLYpantomimically adv. In a pantomimic manner.
PANTOMIMICAL adv. like a pantomime, also PANTOMIMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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