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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, 2I, M, O and Y

AERODYNAMICISTaerodynamicist n. A person who studies aerodynamics.
AERODYNAMICIST n. one who specializes in aerodynamics.
ANONYMISATIONSanonymisations n. Plural of anonymisation.
ANONYMIZATIONSanonymizations n. Plural of anonymization.
ANTIDROMICALLYantidromically adv. (Neurology) In an antidromic manner.
ANTIDROMIC adv. of nerve fibres, conducting impulses in the opposite direction to normal.
APOCALYPTICISMapocalypticism n. (Religion) A belief or doctrine based on apocalypse, especially which believes in an imminent end to…
Apocalypticism n. Alternative letter-case form of apocalypticism.
APOCALYPTICISM n. the doctrine of the imminent end of the world, also APOCALYPTISM.
BIODYNAMICALLYbiodynamically adv. In a biodynamic manner.
DIPLOMATICALLYdiplomatically adv. In a diplomatic manner.
diplomatically adv. (Domain) From the perspective of diplomacy.
DIPLOMATICAL adv. relating to diplomacy, also DIPLOMATIC.
IMMUNOASSAYISTIMMUNOASSAYIST n. one who carries out immunoassays.
IMPERATORIALLYimperatorially adv. In an imperatorial manner.
IMPERATORIAL adv. like an imperator.
INFLAMMATORILYinflammatorily adv. In an inflammatory manner.
INFLAMMATORY adv. tending to inflame.
MARTYRISATIONSmartyrisations n. Plural of martyrisation.
MARTYRISATION n. the act of martyrising, also MARTYRIZATION.
MARTYRIZATIONSmartyrizations n. Plural of martyrization.
MARTYRIZATION n. the act of martyrizing, also MARTYRISATION.
MORALISTICALLYmoralistically adv. In a moralistic manner.
MORALISTIC adv. characterized by or expressive of a concern with morality.
MOTIVATIONALLYmotivationally adv. In a motivational manner.
motivationally adv. With regard to motivation.
MOTIVATIONAL adv. relating to motivation.
OLIGOCYTHAEMIAoligocythaemia n. Alternative form of oligocythemia.
OLIGOCYTHAEMIA n. deficiency of red corpuscles in blood.
ORGANISMICALLYorganismically adv. Like an organism; in relation to an organism; at an organismic level.
ORGANISMIC adv. relating to an organism, also ORGANISMAL.
PANTOMIMICALLYpantomimically adv. In a pantomimic manner.
PANTOMIMICAL adv. like a pantomime, also PANTOMIMIC.
REACTIONARYISMreactionaryism n. (Politics) The advocacy of reactionary political positions.
REACTIONARYISM n. the state of being reactionary, also REACTIONARISM.
TRAGICOMICALLYtragicomically adv. In a tragicomic manner.
TRAGICOMICAL adv. part tragic, part comic, also TRAGICOMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 169 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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