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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, H, 2P and 2R

AMPHIPROSTYLARamphiprostylar adj. Amphiprostyle.
AMPHIPROSTYLAR adj. of or like an amphiprostyle.
ANTHROPOGRAPHYanthropography n. The branch of anthropology that deals with the geographical distribution of the human race in its different…
ANTHROPOGRAPHY n. the study of the geographical distribution of human races.
HYPERPARASITEShyperparasites n. Plural of hyperparasite.
HYPERPARASITE n. a parasite that is parasitic upon another parasite.
HYPERPARASITIChyperparasitic adj. Relating to, or exhibiting, hyperparasitism.
HYPERPARASITIC adj. of or like a hyperparasite.
PALAEOGRAPHERSpalaeographers n. Plural of palaeographer.
palæographers n. Plural of palæographer.
PALAEOGRAPHER n. a student of palaeography, also PALAEOGRAPHIST.
PARANTHROPUSESPARANTHROPUS n. an Olduvai anthropoid ape.
PARAPHRASTICALparaphrastical adj. Alternative form of paraphrastic.
PARAPHRASTICAL adj. of the nature of a paraphrase, also PARAPHRASTIC.
PARTHENOCARPICparthenocarpic adj. Exhibiting or relating to parthenocarpy.
PARTHENOCARPIC adj. relating to parthenocarpy.
PERIPHRASTICALperiphrastical adj. Alternative form of periphrastic.
PERIPHRASTICAL adj. of or like periphrasis, the use of longer phrasing in place of shorter form of expression, also PERIPHRASTIC.
PETROGRAPHICALpetrographical adj. Alternative form of petrographic.
PETROGRAPHICAL adj. relating to petrography, also PETROGRAPHIC.
PHRASEOGRAPHICPHRASEOGRAPHIC adj. of or like a phraseograph.
PIPIWHARAUROASPIPIWHARAUROA n. (Maori) a Pacific migratory bird with metallic gold-green plumage.
POLAROGRAPHIESpolarographies n. Plural of polarography.
POLAROGRAPHY n. a technique for determining the concentration and nature of the ions in a solution by an electrolytic process.
PROTOSPATHAIREPROTOSPATHAIRE n. (historical) the captain of the guards at Byzantium, also PROTOSPATAIRE, PROTOSPATHARIUS.
RHYPAROGRAPHERrhyparographer n. (Historical, usually applied to the Ancient Greeks) A person who paints or writes about distasteful…
RHYPAROGRAPHER n. one who does genre or still-life pictures of sordid subjects.
RHYPAROGRAPHICrhyparographic adj. Relating to rhyparography.
RHYPAROGRAPHIC adj. relating to rhyparography, genre or still-life pictures of sordid subjects.
SPERMATOPHORALspermatophoral adj. Relating to spermatophores.
SPERMATOPHORAL adj. of or like a spermatophore, a case enclosing the spermatozoa of certain crustaceans.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 95 words
  • Scrabble in French: 41 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 21 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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