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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, 2H, M, O and T

AMPHIARTHROSESamphiarthroses n. Plural of amphiarthrosis.
AMPHIARTHROSIS n. a type of articulation permitting only slight movement, as between the vertebrae of the backbone.
AMPHIARTHROSISamphiarthrosis n. (Anatomy) The type of movable joint in animals in which the surfaces of bones are connected by ligaments or cartilage.
AMPHIARTHROSIS n. a type of articulation permitting only slight movement, as between the vertebrae of the backbone.
AMPHICHROMATICamphichromatic adj. Amphichroic.
AMPHICHROMATIC adj. producing two colours, one on reacting with an acid, the other on reacting with a base, also AMPHICHROIC.
APOPHTHEGMATICapophthegmatic adj. Alternative form of apothegmatic.
APOPHTHEGMATIC adj. relating to an apophthegm.
CHROMATOGRAPHSchromatographs n. Plural of chromatograph.
CHROMATOGRAPH v. to do by chromatograph.
CHROMATOGRAPHYchromatography n. (Analytical chemistry) Any of various techniques for the qualitative or quantitative separation of the…
CHROMATOGRAPHY n. a process in which a chemical mixture carried by a liquid or gas is separated into components as a result of differential distribution of the solutes as they flow around or over a stationary liquid or solid phase.
HAEMATOPHAGOUShaematophagous adj. (British spelling) Feeding on blood.
hæmatophagous adj. Obsolete spelling of hematophagous.
HAEMATOPHAGOUS adj. of certain animals, feeding on blood, also HEMATOPHAGOUS.
HAEMATOTHERMALhaematothermal adj. Warm-blooded; homoiothermal.
HAEMATOTHERMAL adj. of birds and mammals, having a constant body temperature, usually higher than the temperature of the surroundings, also HEMATOTHERMAL.
MECHANOTHERAPYmechanotherapy n. (Medicine) A type of physiotherapy designed to promote health through exercise and massage.
MECHANOTHERAPY n. the treatment of disorders or injuries by means of mechanical devices, esp. devices that provide exercise for bodily parts.
METAPHOSPHATESmetaphosphates n. Plural of metaphosphate.
METAPHOSPHATE n. a salt or ester of a metaphosphoric acid.
THAUMATOGRAPHYthaumatography n. A description of natural wonders.
THAUMATOGRAPHY n. the description of natural wonders.
TRIHALOMETHANEtrihalomethane n. (Organic chemistry) Any of many halogenated derivatives of methane containing three (not always the…
TRIHALOMETHANE n. any of various derivatives of methane such as chloroform, that have three halogen atoms per molecule and are formed esp. during the chlorination of drinking water.
XANTHOCHROMIASXANTHOCHROMIA n. any yellowish discoloration, esp. of the cerebrospinal fluid.
XEROPHTHALMIASxerophthalmias n. Plural of xerophthalmia.
XEROPHTHALMIA n. extreme dryness of the conjunctive, thought to stem from a vitamin A deficiency, also XEROMA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 107 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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