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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, F, I, L and 2T

AFFECTIONATELYaffectionately adv. In an affectionate manner.
AFFECTIONATE adv. having affection or warm regard.
ANGUSTIFOLIATEangustifoliate adj. (Botany) Having narrow leaves.
ANGUSTIFOLIATE adj. narrow-leaved.
ANTIFEDERALISTantifederalist n. Alternative spelling of anti-federalist.
anti-federalist n. One who opposes federalism.
anti-federalist adj. Opposing federalism.
ANTIFORMALISTSantiformalists n. Plural of antiformalist.
FAINTHEARTEDLYfaintheartedly adv. In a fainthearted manner.
faint-heartedly adv. Alternative form of faintheartedly.
FAINTHEARTED adv. lacking courage or resolution.
FANTASTICALITYfantasticality n. The quality of being fantastical.
fantasticality n. Anything that is fantastical.
FANTASTICALITY n. the state of being fantastical.
FATALISTICALLYfatalistically adv. In a fatalistic manner.
FATALISTIC adv. related to fatalism.
FATIGABILITIESfatigabilities n. Plural of fatigability.
FATIGABILITY n. the state of being fatigable, easily tired.
FLOATABILITIESfloatabilities n. Plural of floatability.
FLOATABILITY n. the quality of being floatable.
FRACTIONALISTSfractionalists n. Plural of fractionalist.
FRACTIONALIST n. a breaker-up of political unity.
FUNDAMENTALISTfundamentalist n. One who reduces religion to strict interpretation of core or original texts.
fundamentalist n. (Finance) A trader who trades on the financial fundamentals of the companies involved, as opposed to…
fundamentalist n. (Christianity) Originally referred to an adherent of an American Christian movement that began as a…
FUNDAMENTALITYfundamentality n. The state or quality of being fundamental.
FUNDAMENTALITY n. the state of being fundamental.
MULTIFACTORIALmultifactorial adj. Involving, or controlled by multiple factors.
multifactorial adj. (Genetics, of a trait) Involving multiple genetic and/or environmental factors.
multifactorial n. (Mathematics) A generalisation of a factorial in which each element to be multiplied differs from the…
SATISFACTORILYsatisfactorily adv. In a satisfactory manner, in a manner adequate to requirements.
SATISFACTORY adv. giving satisfaction.
STAGFLATIONARYstagflationary adj. (Economics) Tending to induce stagflation.
STAGFLATIONARY adj. relating to stagflation.
STALACTITIFORMstalactitiform adj. Having the form of a stalactite; stalactiform.
STALACTITIFORM adj. having the form of a stalactite.
TRAFFICABILITYtrafficability n. A vehicle’s ability to traverse a specified terrain.
trafficability n. A terrain’s ability to support the movement of vehicles.
TRAFFICABILITY n. the quality of a terrain that permits passage (as of vehicles and troops).
TRANSFERENTIALtransferential adj. Of or pertaining to transference.
TRANSFERENTIAL adj. relating to transference.
ULTRAFILTRATESultrafiltrates n. Plural of ultrafiltrate.
ULTRAFILTRATE n. a substance that has passed through an ultrafilter.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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