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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, E, I, N, Q and T

ANTHRAQUINONESanthraquinones n. Plural of anthraquinone.
ANTHRAQUINONE n. a chemical used in the manufacture of some dyes.
ANTIQUATEDNESSantiquatedness n. The state or quality of being antiquated.
ANTIQUATEDNESS n. the state of being antiquated.
APPROPINQUATEDappropinquated v. Simple past tense and past participle of appropinquate.
APPROPINQUATE v. (archaic) to approach, also APPROPINQUE.
APPROPINQUATESappropinquates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of appropinquate.
APPROPINQUATE v. (archaic) to approach, also APPROPINQUE.
EQUIANGULARITYequiangularity n. The condition of being equiangular.
EQUIANGULARITY n. the state of being equiangular.
HEADQUARTERINGheadquartering v. Present participle of headquarter.
HEADQUARTER v. to make one's headquarters.
INADEQUATENESSinadequateness n. Inadequacy.
INADEQUATE n. not adequate.
PREACQUAINTINGpreacquainting v. Present participle of preacquaint.
PREACQUAINT v. to acquaint beforehand.
QUADRIGEMINATEquadrigeminate adj. Synonym of quadrigeminal.
QUADRIGEMINATE adj. having four similar parts, also QUADRIGEMINAL, QUADRIGEMINOUS.
QUAESTIONARIESQUAESTIONARY n. (Scott) a religious pardoner, also QUESTIONARY.
QUANTITATIVELYquantitatively adv. In a quantitative manner.
quantitatively adv. With respect to quantity rather than quality.
QUANTITATIVE adv. estimable according to quantity, also QUANTITIVE.
QUANTIVALENCESquantivalences n. Plural of quantivalence.
QUARTERBACKINGquarterbacking n. (American football) The act of playing as a quarterback.
quarterbacking n. (US) The action of making criticisms after the event.
quarterbacking v. Present participle of quarterback.
QUARTODECIMANSQuartodecimans n. Plural of Quartodeciman.
QUARTODECIMAN n. an early Christian who celebrated Easter on Passover even if not a Sunday.
QUODLIBETARIANquodlibetarian n. One who discusses any subject at pleasure.
QUODLIBETARIAN n. a self-satisfied, disputatious person.
REACQUAINTANCEreacquaintance n. Acquaintance again or anew.
REACQUAINTANCE n. a new acquaintance.
UNACQUAINTANCEunacquaintance n. The state or condition of being unacquainted; unfamiliarity with something.
UNACQUAINTANCE n. lack of acquaintance.
UNQUANTIFIABLEunquantifiable adj. Incapable of being quantified or precisely defined mathematically.
unquantifiable n. Something that cannot be quantified.
UNQUANTIFIABLE adj. not quantifiable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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