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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 12 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, D, 3I and P

ADAPTABILITIESadaptabilities n. Plural of adaptability.
ADAPTABILITY n. the quality of being adaptable.
ADOPTABILITIESadoptabilities n. Plural of adoptability.
ADOPTABILITY n. the quality of being adoptable.
DECAPITALISINGdecapitalising v. Present participle of decapitalise.
DECAPITALISE v. to remove capital from, also DECAPITALIZE.
DECAPITALIZINGdecapitalizing v. Present participle of decapitalize.
DECAPITALIZE v. to remove capital from, also DECAPITALISE.
DISAPPLICATIONdisapplication n. (Law) exemption from a legal requirement.
DISAPPLICATION n. the act of disapplying, rendering a law inapplicable.
DISCIPLINARIANdisciplinarian n. One who exercises discipline.
disciplinarian n. (By extension) One who believes in discipline as a tool for regulation or control.
disciplinarian adj. Relating to discipline.
DRAPEABILITIESdrapeabilities n. Plural of drapeability.
DRAPEABILITY n. the state of being drapeable, also DRAPABILITY.
IDIOPATHICALLYidiopathically adv. In an idiopathic sense or manner.
IDIOPATHIC adv. of a disease, etc. arising spontaneously from some unknown cause, primary.
IMPARIDIGITATEimparidigitate adj. (Anatomy) Having an odd number of fingers or toes.
IMPARIDIGITATE adj. having an odd number of fingers on each limb.
IMPONDERABILIAimponderabilia n. Those things that are imponderable.
IMPONDERABILIA n. factors in a situation whose influence cannot be gauged or evaluated.
LAPIDIFICATIONlapidification n. The act or process of lapidifying; fossilization; petrifaction.
LAPIDIFICATION n. (archaic) the formation of stone.
PAEDIATRICIANSpaediatricians n. Plural of paediatrician.
pædiatricians n. Plural of pædiatrician.
PAEDIATRICIAN n. a specialist in children's ailments.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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