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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, 2D, E, L and O

BIODEGRADABLESbiodegradables n. Plural of biodegradable.
BIODEGRADABLE n. a product capable of being broken down esp into innocuous products by the action of living things (as microorganisms).
DECARBOXYLATEDdecarboxylated v. Simple past tense and past participle of decarboxylate.
decarboxylated adj. Describing a product of decarboxylation.
DECARBOXYLATE v. to remove carbon dioxide from its substrate.
DENATIONALISEDdenationalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of denationalise.
DENATIONALISE v. to deprive of national rights or character; to return from state to private ownership, also DENATIONALIZE.
DENATIONALIZEDdenationalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of denationalize.
DENATIONALIZE v. to divest of national character or rights, also DENATIONALISE.
DODECASYLLABICdodecasyllabic adj. Of twelve syllables.
DODECASYLLABIC adj. of a line of verse, having twelve syllables.
DODECASYLLABLEdodecasyllable n. A word consisting of twelve syllables.
DODECASYLLABLE n. a line of twelve syllables.
GASTRODUODENALgastroduodenal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to, or connecting the stomach and the duodenum.
GASTRODUODENAL adj. of, relating to, or involving the stomach and the duodenum.
LAMPADEDROMIESLAMPADEDROMY n. a foot race with lighted torches, esp. a relay race in which the torch is passed on, also LAMPADEPHORIA.
LOGODAEDALUSESlogodaedaluses n. Plural of logodaedalus.
LOGODAEDALUS n. one skilled in the manipulative use of words.
MELODRAMATISEDmelodramatised v. Simple past tense and past participle of melodramatise.
MELODRAMATISE v. to make melodramatic, also MELODRAMATIZE.
MELODRAMATIZEDmelodramatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of melodramatize.
MELODRAMATIZE v. to make melodramatic, also MELODRAMATISE.
NEANDERTHALOIDNeanderthaloid adj. Resembling or characteristic of the extinct Neanderthal species.
NEANDERTHALOID adj. of or like a neanderthaler.
SACERDOTALISEDsacerdotalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of sacerdotalise.
SACERDOTALISE v. to render sacerdotal, also SACERDOTALIZE.
SACERDOTALIZEDsacerdotalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of sacerdotalize.
SACERDOTALIZE v. to render sacerdotal, also SACERDOTALISE.
STADHOLDERATESstadholderates n. Plural of stadholderate.
STADHOLDERATE n. the office of stadholder, a Dutch viceroy or provincial governor, also STADHOLDERSHIP, STADTHOLDERATE, STADTHOLDERSHIP.
STADTHOLDERATEstadtholderate n. (Historical) The office or position of a stadtholder.
stadtholderate n. (Historical) A state ruled by a stadtholder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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