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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, C, D, G, N and S

CLINODIAGONALSclinodiagonals n. Plural of clinodiagonal.
CLINODIAGONAL n. in a monoclinic crystal, that lateral axis which is not perpendicular to the vertical axis.
COASTGUARDSMANcoastguardsman n. A member of a coastguard.
COASTGUARDSMAN n. a member of a coast guard, also COASTGUARDMAN.
COASTGUARDSMENcoastguardsmen n. Plural of coastguardsman.
COASTGUARDSMAN n. a member of a coast guard, also COASTGUARDMAN.
CYANOGENAMIDESCYANOGENAMIDE n. the amide of cyanogen, a white crystalline substance, also CYANAMID, CYANAMIDE.
DECAPITALISINGdecapitalising v. Present participle of decapitalise.
DECAPITALISE v. to remove capital from, also DECAPITALIZE.
DIAGNOSTICALLYdiagnostically adv. In a diagnostic manner.
DIAGNOSTICAL adv. relating to diagnosis.
DIAGNOSTICIANSdiagnosticians n. Plural of diagnostician.
DIAGNOSTICIAN n. one who specialises in diagnosis.
DISASSOCIATINGdisassociating v. Present participle of disassociate.
DISASSOCIATE v. to separate from association or union with another, also DISSOCIATE.
DOGMATICALNESSdogmaticalness n. The quality of being dogmatical.
DOGMATICALNESS n. the state of being dogmatical.
MACRODIAGONALSmacrodiagonals n. Plural of macrodiagonal.
MACRODIAGONAL n. in crystallography, the longer lateral axis.
MATCHBOARDINGSMATCHBOARDING n. matchboards collectively.
PROPAGANDISTICpropagandistic adj. Having the characteristics of propaganda; spreading propaganda.
PROPAGANDISTIC adj. related to propaganda.
REBROADCASTINGrebroadcasting v. Present participle of rebroadcast.
REBROADCAST v. to broadcast again (a radio or television program being simultaneously received from another source).
SCANDALMONGERSscandalmongers n. Plural of scandalmonger.
SCANDALMONGER n. one who spreads scandal.
SHADOWCASTINGSSHADOWCASTING n. in microscopy, casting shadows of projecting parts of a specimen by exposing to a stream of a vapour of a heavy metal.
UNDERCARRIAGESundercarriages n. Plural of undercarriage.
UNDERCARRIAGE n. a supporting framework or underside (as of an automobile).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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