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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, 2C, L and 2N

ACCIDENTALNESSaccidentalness n. The quality of being accidental; casualness.
ACCIDENTALNESS n. the quality of being accidental.
ANACHRONICALLYanachronically adv. In an anachronic manner.
ANACHRONICAL adv. out of (chronological) order; out of date, also ANACHRONIC.
ANTHRACYCLINESanthracyclines n. Plural of anthracycline.
ANTHRACYCLINE n. any of a class of antineoplastic drugs (as doxorubicin) derived from an actinomycete of the genus Streptomyces.
CONSOCIATIONALconsociational adj. (Politics, of a state) Having major internal divisions along ethnic, religious, or linguistic lines…
CONSOCIATIONAL adj. relating to consociation, association in fellowship or alliance.
COUNTERBALANCEcounterbalance n. (Literally) A weight that is put in opposition to an equal weight so it keeps that in balance.
counterbalance n. (Figuratively) A force or influence that balances, checks or limits an opposite one.
counterbalance v. (Transitive) To apply weight in order to balance an opposing weight.
CYANOACETYLENEcyanoacetylene n. (Organic chemistry) The linear acetylenic nitrile HC≡C-CN or any derivative of this compound.
CYANOACETYLENE n. a large and complex organic molecule found in interstellar clouds.
CYANOCOBALAMINcyanocobalamin n. (Biochemistry) A synthetic form of vitamin B12 (cobalamin).
CYANOCOBALAMIN n. vitamin B12, which has a large and complicated molecule, in one form including a cyanide group, in all forms including a cobalt atom, also CYANOCOBALAMINE.
EXTRACANONICALextracanonical adj. Outside of canon.
EXTRACANONICAL adj. not part of the canon of the Bible.
MECHANICALNESSmechanicalness n. (Uncountable) The state or characteristic of being mechanical.
mechanicalness n. (Countable) A mechanical action.
MECHANICALNESS n. the state of being mechanical.
NONACCOUNTABLEnonaccountable adj. Not accountable.
NONACCOUNTABLE adj. not accountable.
NONCANCELLABLEnoncancellable adj. Alternative spelling of noncancelable.
NONCANCELLABLE adj. not cancellable, also NONCANCELABLE.
NONCONTRACTUALnoncontractual adj. Not contractual.
NONCONTRACTUAL adj. not contractual.
NONSPECTACULARnonspectacular adj. Not spectacular.
NONSPECTACULAR adj. not spectacular.
RANUNCULACEOUSranunculaceous adj. (Botany) Of or pertaining to buttercups.
RANUNCULACEOUS adj. pertaining to or like buttercups; belonging to buttercup family of plants.
TOBACCANALIANStobaccanalians n. Plural of tobaccanalian.
TOBACCANALIAN n. (facetious) a smoker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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