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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, 2C, 2L and U

ACCUMULATIVELYaccumulatively adv. In an accumulative manner.
ACCUMULATIVE adv. tending or given to accumulation.
ACTINOBACILLUSactinobacillus n. Any bacterium of the genus Actinobacillus.
Actinobacillus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Pasteurellaceae – several Gram-negative bacteria, some of which are pathogens.
ACTINOBACILLUS n. a bacillus of the genus of bacteria Actinobacillus.
AUTOCRATICALLYautocratically adv. In an autocratic manner.
AUTOCRATICAL adv. of, relating to, or being an autocracy, also AUTOCRATIC.
CALCULATEDNESScalculatedness n. The quality of being calculated.
CALCULATEDNESS n. the state of being calculated.
CIRCUMVALLATEDcircumvallated v. Simple past tense and past participle of circumvallate.
CIRCUMVALLATE v. to surround with a rampart or fortification.
CIRCUMVALLATEScircumvallates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circumvallate.
CIRCUMVALLATE v. to surround with a rampart or fortification.
MACROMOLECULARmacromolecular adj. Of or relating to a macromolecule.
MACROMOLECULAR adj. of or like a macromolecule.
MINICALCULATORMINICALCULATOR n. a very small handheld calculator.
MISCALCULATINGmiscalculating v. Present participle of miscalculate.
MISCALCULATE v. to calculate wrongly.
MISCALCULATIONmiscalculation n. An incorrect or mistaken calculation.
miscalculation n. An error in judgment.
MISCALCULATION n. the act of miscalculating.
MISCALCULATORSmiscalculators n. Plural of miscalculator.
MISCALCULATOR n. one who miscalculates.
OCCUPATIONALLYoccupationally adv. As part of an occupation.
OCCUPATIONAL adv. related to occupation.
RECALCULATIONSrecalculations n. Plural of recalculation.
RECALCULATION n. the act of recalculating.
ULTRAPRACTICALultrapractical adj. Extremely practical.
ULTRAPRACTICAL adj. extremely practical.
UNACADEMICALLYunacademically adv. In an unacademic way.
UNACADEMIC adv. not academic.
UNDIDACTICALLYundidactically adv. In a way that is not didactic.
VULCANOLOGICALvulcanological adj. Relating to vulcanology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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