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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, B, C, 2L and N

ACTINOBACILLUSactinobacillus n. Any bacterium of the genus Actinobacillus.
Actinobacillus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Pasteurellaceae – several Gram-negative bacteria, some of which are pathogens.
ACTINOBACILLUS n. a bacillus of the genus of bacteria Actinobacillus.
ANTIBIOTICALLYantibiotically adv. In terms of antibiotic effect.
antibiotically adv. By means of antibiotics.
ANTIBIOTIC adv. inhibiting to life.
APPLICABLENESSapplicableness n. The state or quality of being applicable.
APPLICABLENESS n. the state of being applicable.
BIBLIOMANIACALbibliomaniacal adj. Having, or pertaining to, a passion for books.
BIBLIOMANIACAL adj. relating to bibliomania.
BIODYNAMICALLYbiodynamically adv. In a biodynamic manner.
CLEANABILITIEScleanabilities n. Plural of cleanability.
CLEANABILITY n. the quality of being cleanable.
COLLABORATIONScollaborations n. Plural of collaboration.
COLLABORATION n. the act of collaborating.
DIABOLICALNESSdiabolicalness n. The state or quality of being diabolical.
DIABOLICAL n. of, relating to, or characteristic of the devil.
IMPLACABLENESSimplacableness n. The quality of being implacable.
IMPLACABLENESS n. the state of being implacable.
LAMELLIBRANCHSlamellibranchs n. Plural of lamellibranch.
LAMELLIBRANCH n. any member of the Lamellibranchiata, bivalve molluscs including clams, mussels and oysters.
NONCANCELLABLEnoncancellable adj. Alternative spelling of noncancelable.
NONCANCELLABLE adj. not cancellable, also NONCANCELABLE.
PALEOBOTANICALpaleobotanical adj. Of or pertaining to paleobotany.
PALEOBOTANICAL adj. relating to paleobotany, also PALEOBOTANIC.
PLACABLENESSESPLACABLENESS n. the state of being placable.
SCALABLENESSESSCALABLENESS n. the state of being scalable.
SUBALLOCATIONSsuballocations n. Plural of suballocation.
SUBALLOCATION n. a subdivision of an allocation.
SYLLABICATIONSsyllabications n. Plural of syllabication.
SYLLABICATION n. the act of dividing words into syllables, also SYLLABIFICATION.
UNCLASSIFIABLEunclassifiable adj. Incapable of being classified.
UNCLASSIFIABLE adj. not classifiable.
UNCLASSIFIABLYunclassifiably adv. In an unclassifiable way.
UNCULTIVATABLEuncultivatable adj. Uncultivable.
UNCULTIVATABLE adj. not cultivatable.
URBANISTICALLYurbanistically adv. In an urbanistic manner.
URBANISTIC adv. relating to the planning and development of towns.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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